We picked up litter around our San Francisco HQ earlier this month.
What's happening: Before our annual and quarterly planning meetings in our office, we picked up litter around the neighborhood.
Since reading about them in Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business in 2021, we've been doing quarterly offsite meetings.
Each December, we hold an annual planning meeting as well. We put our own spin on things by doing community service before getting started for the day.
Why it matters: Our mission is to become the market leader for HIPAA compliant communication and we believe the leader always gives back.
The bottom line: Despite having record high vacancy for office space, San Francisco still has a bunch of litter. This is unlike our experience in Minneapolis earlier this year.
See also: Cleaning up Redondo Beach (Paubox Community Service)
Enjoy the videos and pics!
The back alley near our office is always holding litter
Pete Kirsheman (VP Customer Success) and Becky Hathaway (VP People Ops) getting it done on Market Street
Evan Fitzgerald (VP Finance) applying fine motor skillz to a cigarette butt on Market Street
Post cleanup, we got to work on planning for next year
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