Last night we held our fifth annual winter networking event for the Paubox Kahikina Scholarship.
What's happening: In 2020, we held our first winter networking event for the scholarship at The Pacific Club in Honolulu. It was attended by three people: recipients Nick Wong, Alyssa Lyman, and myself.
We've since expanded the event to over 90 attendees.
Who showed up: 13 of our 46 scholarship recipients attended, along with 80 other advisors, customers, prospective customers, and friends.
Recipients who attended:
- Alyssa Lyman (Purdue University, graduated)
- Brayden Morioka (University of Michigan)
- Bronson Morioka (University of Michigan)
- Colton Mills (University of Hawai'i at Manoa)
- Erika Kwee (MIT)
- Gabbie Nakamatsu (Santa Clara University)
- Kainoa Hottendorf (UC Berkeley)
- Koa Chang (Stanford University)
- Lauren Kwee (Harvard University, graduated)
- Logan Lau (Stanford University)
- Nick Wong (UC Berkeley, graduated)
- Taylor Moniz (Columbia University)
- Taysia Morioka (University of Michigan)
Companies and organizations who attended:
- AEP Hawaii
- Apple
- Amazon
- Bowers + Kubota
- Builders VC
- Cades Schutte
- Epic Games
- Finance Factors
- First Hawaiian Bank
- Honolulu Tech Week
- Integrated Security Technologies
- K Bay Capital
- Kaiser Permanente
- Malama Ola Health
- Netflix
- Pacxa
- Paragon
- Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard
- Salesforce
- Shifted Energy
- The Caregiver Foundation
- Tradewind Group
- Twitch
- Upena Systems
About the scholarship: The primary objective of the Paubox Kahikina Scholarship is to encourage Native Hawaiians to pursue careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) or tech in general.
The scholarship is recurring in nature. In other words, recipients receive $1,000 per year until they graduate.
The bottom line: We know connecting our recipients to our professional network will always be of interest. It's one of the big ideas behind the scholarship. We should therefore endeavor to achieve this.
See related: ʻIolani Palace tour with Zita Cup Choy - Paubox Kahikina Scholarship
In between networking. I snapped the following pics from my iPhone. I didn't eat, drink water, nor finish my cup of coffee. I also didn't get a chance to photograph everyone.
Enjoy the pics!
Scholarship recipient Makamae Kaili-Kramer chats with Zack Hernandez (AEP Hawaii) re: careers in optometry.
Makamae flew from Maui on her own initiative to attend the event.
Selfie with Kelly Ueoka, President of Pacxa.
Paubox Kahikina Scholarship recipient Taylor Moniz (middle) shares a laugh with her sister and Connie Lau (K Bay Capital)
(left to right): Christine Lanning (Integrated Security Technologies), Andrew Lanning, Bronson Morioka, and Brayden Morioka
(left to right): Eddie Fan (Apple), Johnny Chankhamany (Builders VC), Koa Chang, and Logan Lau
Nick Wong (Paragon) getting ready for a quick interview with BJ Rivad
Scholarship recipient Colton Mills brought makana with him from Kauaʻi. He is our first recipient from the
Garden Isle.
Joon Yang (Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard) and Bronson Morioka
Selfie with my Mom, Haaheo Mansfield, and my hungry son Moʻokai
(left to right): Lauren Kwee, Connie Lau, and Erika Kwee
First Hawaiian Bank co-workers Leroy Kane and Kaiu Pettigrew
Connie Lau (left) and Charissa Wong (Bowers + Kubota)
(left to right): Koa Chang, Logan Lau, Michael Bennett (Honolulu Tech Week), and Taylor Ho (Twitch)
Selfie with Colbert Matsumoto (Tradewind Group) and Andrew Lanning (Integrated Security Technologies)
(left to right): Colton Mills, Lorraine Robinson, Haaheo Mansfield, and Kawika Kalama.
Paubox COO Rick Kuwahara (left) showed up on his day off to help make our event successful. Mahalo to Mountan Mitchell (Paubox Account Executive) for buying lei for recipients and my Mom.
Aunty Rain and Uncle Bruce arrived early and helped us get ready.
Colton Mills meeting my Mom for the first time. Aunty Rain in the middle smiling.
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