Paubox blog: HIPAA compliant email made easy

Are health tips newsletters HIPAA compliant?

Written by Liyanda Tembani | August 30, 2023

Personalized health tips newsletters based on an individual's health status likely involve the transmission of protected health information (PHI). To ensure HIPAA compliance, covered entities must obtain explicit authorization from the individual before sending such emails. Additionally, they must follow all relevant HIPAA requirements to protect the privacy and security of the individual's PHI.

Related: What is protected health information (PHI)?


What are health tips newsletters?

Health tips newsletters are marketing emails that include a range of advice, covering topics from nutrition and exercise routines to mental health strategies and preventive care recommendations. While some emails provide general health tips applicable to a broad audience, others take a more personalized approach, tailoring advice to an individual's health condition. 


Protected health information (PHI) in personalized health tips emails

Enacted to safeguard sensitive health information, HIPAA defines protected health information (PHI) as individually identifiable health data transmitted or maintained by covered entities. The primary objective of HIPAA is to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of individuals' health information in various healthcare-related communications.

When health tips emails are tailored to an individual's health status, they may contain PHI. This occurs when the information shared could reasonably identify the individual or reveal their health-related data. Consequently, any transmission of PHI via email requires compliance with HIPAA regulations to protect individuals' sensitive health information.


HIPAA compliance for personalized health tips emails

To maintain HIPAA compliance when sending personalized health tips emails, consider the following:

  • Explicit authorization: Obtain written consent from individuals before sending emails containing PHI. Clearly explain the purpose and scope of data usage.
  • Secure transmission: Use HIPAA compliant email marketing platforms with encryption when transmitting PHI in emails to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Access controls: Limit access to PHI within the healthcare organization to authorized personnel only. Ensure that the recipients of the emails have a legitimate need to access the information.
  • Minimum necessary principle: Share only the minimum necessary PHI required to convey personalized health tips. Avoid the unnecessary exposure of sensitive information.
  • Business associate agreements (BAAs): If third-party service providers are involved in sending health tips emails, establish BAAs to outline their responsibilities in handling PHI securely.
  • Patient rights: Provide clear instructions for individuals to opt out of receiving personalized health tips emails. Respect their autonomy to control communication preferences.
  • Training and audit trails: Train staff on HIPAA regulations and the proper handling of PHI. Maintain audit trails to document compliance efforts and actions taken with PHI.