Paubox blog: HIPAA compliant email made easy

Can you personalize a healthcare email?

Written by Kirsten Peremore | September 08, 2023

The significance of personalized healthcare emails lies in their potential to drive patient engagement, satisfaction, and improved health outcomes. However, healthcare providers must prioritize HIPAA compliance when sending targeted emails containing Protected Health Information (PHI).


Understanding the Significance of Personalization

According to data, 74% of customers acknowledge that targeted personalization heightens their engagement, affirming the effectiveness of customization in communication. However, healthcare providers should note that even seemingly basic details, such as a recipient's name, hold the status of PHI. This means that email communication needs to adhere to HIPAA's requirements, and therefore, the best method would be using HIPAA compliant email services. These platforms are designed to safeguard patient data, ensuring privacy while facilitating easy communication.

See also: Do disclaimers make emails HIPAA compliant?


How to effectively include personalization in healthcare emails

Segment your email list

Divide your email list into segments based on shared characteristics like medical condition, age group, or location. This allows you to tailor content to specific patient needs and interests, increasing the relevance of your emails.


Craft personalized subject lines

Use the recipient's name or reference their medical condition or upcoming appointment in the subject line. A personalized subject line grabs attention and indicates the email's relevance to the recipient.


Use dynamic content

Employ dynamic content blocks that change based on patient data. For instance, include information about their recent appointment, medication, or upcoming procedures. This approach ensures that each recipient receives information that directly pertains to their healthcare journey.


Address patients by name

Incorporate the recipient's name within the email's salutation and throughout the content. Personalizing the communication establishes a more intimate and engaging connection.


Tailor content to patient preferences

Use the patient's medical history and preferences to deliver content that aligns with their health goals. This could involve sharing relevant articles, tips for managing their condition, or suggesting wellness practices.


Provide appointment reminders and follow-ups

Send personalized appointment reminders and follow-up emails. Include details such as appointment date, time, and any necessary preparation instructions. After appointments, send follow-up emails with relevant care instructions or next steps.


Include relevant health information

Share health-related content that directly relates to the patient's medical condition or concerns. Whether it's dietary advice, exercise routines, or medication reminders, tailoring the content reinforces the idea that you understand their needs.


Encourage engagement

Invite recipients to respond to the email with questions or concerns. Providing direct communication shows that you value their input and are available to address their needs.


A/B test and optimize

Continuously test different personalization strategies, subject lines, and content to identify what resonates best with your audience. Use analytics to gauge open rates, click-through rates, and overall engagement.

See also: Why personalized subject lines increase open rates