SEE RELATED: Healthcare technology experts contemplate the Trump effect
"I've talked to a lot of leaders in health systems and say, hey, if we're now removing that incentive for you to control cost, what incentive do you have now to go and continue to pour a path forward for reducing costs and improving patient care? I'm Lan Nguyen, co-founder and CEO of ManageUp. We are in a time of change and this is a very relevant topic about Trump administration and the ACA. There's a lot of money to be made in the inefficiencies but to me at the end of the day, it costs the public, and it costs all of us. It's been a great experience. You can see from the panel we have very varying different opinions and viewpoints. And it makes for an interesting discussion."
SEE ALSO: The Future of Digital Health in a Trump Presidency, a Fireside Chat
SEE ALSO: Digital Health in a Trump Presidency – Rebecca Woodcock
SEE ALSO: Digital Health in a Trump Presidency - Noah Lewis
SEE ALSO: Digital Health in a Trump Presidency - Geoff Clapp