Paubox blog: HIPAA compliant email made easy

Does HIPAA allow preventative care emails?

Written by Kirsten Peremore | August 22, 2023

Preventive care emails can be HIPAA compliant by following guidelines to safeguard patients' protected health information (PHI).


What are preventative care emails?

Preventive care emails are emails sent by healthcare providers or health organizations to individuals, focusing on promoting and encouraging actions that help maintain good health and prevent potential health problems. These emails typically offer information, reminders, and recommendations for health screenings, vaccinations, regular check-ups, healthy lifestyle choices, and other proactive measures. 

The goal of these emails is to empower individuals to take charge of their health by providing them with valuable insights and reminders about preventive actions they can take to stay well and catch health issues early.

See also: Are personalized care plans emails HIPAA compliant?


The benefits of preventative care emails

  1. Timely reminders: Preventive care emails serve as helpful reminders for scheduling appointments, screenings, and vaccinations. They ensure that individuals don't miss health-related activities, leading to early detection and timely intervention.
  2. Convenience: Emails provide a convenient way to receive health-related information and reminders directly in one's inbox. Recipients can access the information at their own pace and convenience.
  3. Empowerment: By receiving valuable information and guidance, individuals can make informed health decisions. They become active participants in their well-being, leading to better health outcomes.
  4. Cost savings: Early detection and prevention often reduce healthcare costs over time, as issues are identified and addressed before they become more complex and expensive to treat.
  5. Customization: Preventive care emails can be tailored to individual needs, taking into account factors such as age, gender, medical history, and specific health concerns.

See alsoDo you need patient opt-in for treatment-related emails?


How to ensure your preventative care emails are HIPAA compliant

Obtain patient consent and preferences

  • Obtain explicit consent from patients to communicate via email for preventive care purposes.
  • Document patient preferences, including preferred email address and communication frequency.

Note: if the preventative email is considered treatment-related, it is an exception and may not require explicit patient authorization. Please see below. Still, it's regarded as a best practice to get permission from patients to send them any healthcare-related email


Implement secure email

  • Use encrypted email services or secure patient portals for sending emails containing PHI.
  • Ensure the email transmission is encrypted using tools such as HIPAA compliant email services.


Limited PHI content

  • Include only the minimum necessary PHI in the email relevant to the preventive care information being shared.
  • Avoid including unnecessary personal details.


Patient authentication

  • Verify the recipient's identity before sending any PHI via email to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Implement authentication methods to confirm the recipient's identity.


Privacy disclaimer

  • Include a clear and concise privacy disclaimer in each email that explains the purpose of the email, patient rights, and contact information for inquiries.


Business associate agreement

  • If using third-party email services, ensure they are HIPAA compliant and are willing to sign a business associate agreement.


Opt-out option

  • Provide a clear and easy-to-use opt-out mechanism for patients who no longer wish to receive email communication.
  • Honor opt-out requests promptly.

RelatedHIPAA compliant email marketing: What you need to know


Is authorization required for preventative care emails?

Preventative care emails, such as reminders for annual check-ups, vaccinations, or screenings, can be a gray area under HIPAA. Let's break it down:

  1. Treatment Communications: Preventative care emails can be part of the patient's treatment. If a healthcare provider sends an email to remind a patient about an upcoming annual check-up or a necessary vaccination, it could be argued that this falls under the treatment exception.
  2. Marketing vs. Treatment: The line between what constitutes "marketing" and what is considered "treatment" can be thin. If the email is purely to remind the patient about a necessary medical service, it's more likely to be seen as treatment. However, if the email also promotes a new service offered by the provider or a third party, it could be seen as marketing, which would require explicit patient authorization under HIPAA.
  3. Financial Incentives: If the preventative care email includes a financial incentive for the patient to get the service, it might be considered marketing. For instance, if a patient is offered a discount on a service, the email could be seen as promotional.
  4. Minimum Necessary Rule: Even if the email is considered part of the treatment, only the minimum necessary PHI should be included. For example, a generic reminder to get an annual check-up might not need to include any specific PHI, whereas a reminder for a specific test might include the date of the patient's last test.
  5. Encryption: Regardless of whether the email is considered treatment or marketing, if it contains any PHI, it should be encrypted to ensure the patient's privacy.