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Expert high blood pressure management tips in HIPAA compliant emails

Expert high blood pressure management tips in HIPAA compliant emails

Managing high blood pressure, or hypertension, requires consistent monitoring and communication with healthcare providers. HIPAA compliant emails are a secure and convenient way to share blood pressure readings, allowing providers to offer personalized guidance and educational resources for better health outcomes.


Knowing patients’ numbers

“In many cases, high blood pressure symptoms can go unnoticed for years. That’s why it's so important to know your numbers. For most adults, normal blood pressure is usually less than 120/80 mm Hg. High blood pressure is diagnosed when blood pressure readings are consistently 130/80 mm Hg or higher,” explains the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI).

The institute also suggests that patients have a blood pressure monitor at home since “Having a blood pressure monitor at home allows you to measure your blood pressure any day or time that is convenient for you.”

Providers can use HIPAA compliant emails to monitor patients’ self-recorded blood pressure readings. They can also check these reports for abnormalities and adjust treatment plans as needed. 


Personalized health guidance

HIPAA compliant emails can be personalized, with tailored advice on how patients can monitor their blood pressure from home. The NHLBI recommends the following tips:

  • “Avoid eating or drinking caffeine beverages like coffee or soda, or smoking, for 30 minutes before you measure. 
  • Go to the bathroom and empty your bladder.
  • Look for a quiet area where there is a chair with a table you can use to take the reading.
  • Relax for 5 minutes.”

So, providers can include these tips in their HIPAA compliant emails. For example, if a patient reports frequent coffee consumption, their provider could send an email stating: 

“Hi [Patient’s name]

To ensure accurate blood pressure readings, please avoid coffee for 30 minutes before your next measurement. Thank you."

In addition, providers can also tailor their HIPAA compliant emails to accommodate patient disabilities. For example, if a patient has recently been diagnosed with a physical disability, providers could say: 

"Hi [Patient’s name]

Considering your recent diagnosis, let's adjust the blood pressure measurement process to accommodate your needs. For accurate readings, ensure the cuff fits comfortably around your arm, positioned just above the elbow. Place your arm at heart level on the table, adjusting for accessibility. Relax your muscles, support your back, and stay calm throughout the test. 

Let me know if there is anything else we can do to make this process more comfortable for you. Thank you."

Ultimately, providers should use personalized HIPAA compliant emails for instructions based on patients’ latest readings and patient needs. It also ensures that sensitive health information is securely transmitted and protected according to HIPAA regulations.


Access to educational resources

Providers can use HIPAA compliant emails to send patients educational resources on high blood pressure management. This can help patients stay informed about their condition and make lifestyle changes to improve their health. For example, providers can send an email like:

Hi [Patient’s name]

wanted to share some information with you on managing your blood pressure. You should take multiple readings within one setting, with short intervals between each measurement, to ensure the most accurate results. 

Additionally, measuring your blood pressure at different times of the day, such as in the morning before eating or taking medication and in the evening, helps us understand patterns over time. 

Let me know if you have any questions or if there is anything else I can assist you with."



Can providers use email to communicate with patients about their health concerns?

Yes, providers must use a HIPAA compliant email platform, like Paubox, to email their patients about their health concerns.


What makes an email service HIPAA compliant?

Providers must use a HIPAA compliant email service with encryption, access controls, audit trails, and secure data storage. Additionally, the email service should sign a business associate agreement (BAA) to adhere to HIPAA regulations regarding the security and privacy of protected health information.


Can providers discuss patient information over email with other healthcare providers?

Yes, providers can use HIPAA compliant emails to discuss patient information as long as it is necessary for treatment, payment, or healthcare operations and appropriate security measures are in place.

Read also: Using HIPAA compliant emails to improve provider collaboration

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