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Hard bounces in healthcare email marketing and HIPAA compliance

Written by Liyanda Tembani | September 01, 2023

Hard bounces in healthcare email marketing refer to the permanent failure of delivering emails to intended recipients. These bounces can lead to unauthorized disclosure of sensitive patient information and non-compliance with regulations like HIPAA. This article is a companion to our previous piece on hard bounces, focusing on the healthcare industry's unique challenges.

Learn more:  What are hard bounces?


The Basics of email delivery

Emails traverse a complex network of servers, routers, and gateways on their journey to recipients' inboxes. Among the potential hurdles emails encounter are "soft bounces" and "hard bounces."


Unpacking hard bounces

While soft bounces are typically temporary and can occur due to issues like a full inbox or temporary server problems, hard bounces indicate a permanent inability to deliver an email. Unlike soft bounces, which may allow for successful delivery after the issue is resolved, hard bounces signal a definitive barrier to successful communication.

RelatedHow to verify an email is encrypted


What are the Common Reasons for Hard Bounces?

  • Invalid or misspelled email addresses: The smallest typographical error can make an email address invalid, resulting in a hard bounce. 
  • Non-existent domains: Sending emails to domains that do not exist inevitably leads to hard bounces. 
  • Blocked recipients: In some cases, email servers may block incoming messages from specific senders, causing hard bounces. 
  • Mailbox full situations: An email sent to a full mailbox will bounce back to the sender. 
  • Syntax errors and formatting issues: Poorly formatted email addresses, missing "@" symbols, or other syntax errors can trigger hard bounces.


What is the Impact of Hard Bounces on Healthcare Email Marketing?

Connection to HIPAA compliance: Hard bounces can inadvertently disclose protected health information (PHI), violating HIPAA's confidentiality and security mandates. This makes managing hard bounces crucial in healthcare email marketing.


Strategies to prevent hard bounces in healthcare email marketing

  • Accurate email collection: Meticulous email address collection is the foundation of preventing hard bounces. Implement double opt-in processes to ensure email addresses are valid from the outset.
  • Clean email lists: Regularly update and clean email lists. Outdated or invalid addresses should be promptly removed to maintain list quality.
  • Email verification tools: Use email verification tools to validate addresses before sending. These tools can identify potential bounce issues in advance.
  • Data quality checks: Implement rigorous data quality checks during the process of importing new email addresses. This includes detecting and rectifying formatting errors and other inaccuracies.
  • Segmentation: Divide your email lists into segments based on specific recipient attributes. This enables targeted content delivery, reducing the likelihood of irrelevant emails and subsequent bounces.
  • Bounce rate monitoring: Regularly monitor your bounce rates. Elevated bounce rates can indicate bigger issues with list quality and should be addressed promptly.
  • Opt-in and opt-out compliance: Obtain explicit opt-in consent before sending emails. Also, ensure recipients can easily unsubscribe from your communications and promptly honor such requests.
  • Enhanced email authentication: Implement email authentication protocols like SPF (Sender Policy Framework)DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), and DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) to enhance email security and legitimacy.

RelatedHIPAA compliant email marketing: What you need to know