After a full day of meetings down in Cupertino, I battled two hour's worth of traffic to attend the inaugural Healthcare Technology and Compliance Meetup in San Ramon yesterday.
I arrived at the San Ramon Community Center almost an hour late, not the norm for me. The meetup was organized by Niranjan Maharajh and an intimate group of 8 attended. Since it was the first meetup for the group, Niranjan queried the room on topics they'd like to see covered. I rose my hand and recommended HIPAA and Cloud Computing, a topic we often get asked about.
About Healthcare Technology and Compliance Meetup
Organized by Niranjan Maharajh, the Healthcare Technology and Compliance meetup aims to network and learn more about the medical device industry and navigating all of its regulatory compliance requirements.
Healthcare Technology and Compliance Meetup: The Drive Back
End of a long day via the Bay Bridge The drive back wasn't so bad, only 45 minutes. Time to do it all over again today.
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