Sajid Ahmed on Air
I visited the Cerner booth today for Day 3 of HIMSS 2017. I met up with Sajid Ahmed, CIO of Martin Luther King Jr. Healthcare Corporation.
Sajid is an in demand guy here at HIMSS 2017. After he finished his on camera interview, we caught up together for about five minutes. He then had another meeting to jump into.
HIMSS 2017 - Catching up with Consilink
Victor Low and Kasu Sista of Consilink
I headed up to the third floor to catch up with Victor Low and Kasu Sista of Consilink. I first met them at last year's HIMSS conference in Las Vegas. It was nice catching up with them and learning about their interest in our Partner program. I'm looking forward to doing business together. I also learned that Victor owns a restaurant in Chicago, Serai. I'll go eat there next time I'm in Chicago.
HIMSS 2017 provides free shuttles
As the conference winds down, we're looking forward to getting back to the office in SF. Let's go get it.
SEE ALSO: HIMSS17 Orlando – Our Social Mixer (Day 2)
SEE ALSO: HIMSS17 Orlando – My Takeaways (Day 1)
SEE ALSO: HIMSS17 Lunch and Learn with Amazon Web Services
SEE ALSO: Eleven Hours in the Air – Our Journey to HIMSS17
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