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HIPAA compliance, disclosure, and release forms for therapists

Written by Farah Amod | July 31, 2024

HIPAA compliance is both a legal and ethical obligation, requiring specific standards for handling, storage, and disclosure of PHI. Therapists must familiarize themselves with HIPAA compliance requirements, disclosure laws, and release forms to ensure data security. 

Pillars of HIPAA compliance

At the core of HIPAA compliance are three main pillars: the privacy rule, the security rule, and the breach notification rule. The privacy rule governs the appropriate use and disclosure of PHI, while the security rule outlines the technical, administrative, and physical safeguards necessary to protect electronic PHI (ePHI). The breach notification rule mandates that covered entities, including therapists, report any unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of PHI.


Navigating HIPAA 

Ensuring HIPAA compliance for therapists requires a multifaceted approach. It involves creating and implementing policies and procedures to protect data, conducting regular risk assessments, providing extensive employee training, and maintaining meticulous documentation. Additionally, therapists must carefully manage their relationships with business associates, such as electronic health record (EHR) providers and cloud storage services, to ensure that these third-party entities also adhere to HIPAA standards.


Mastering HIPAA compliant disclosure practices

Permitted disclosures under HIPAA

HIPAA allows therapists to discuss relevant information, such as medication names, symptoms, and appointment details, with members of a patient's healthcare team. However, any disclosure beyond these limited circumstances requires the patient's consent, which must be documented through a HIPAA release form.


The role of HIPAA release forms

HIPAA release forms are needed when therapists must disclose PHI for reasons outside of treatment, payment, or healthcare operations. Forms must be signed before disclosure. Common scenarios where a HIPAA release form is required include sharing PHI with third parties, using it for marketing or fundraising efforts, and disclosing psychotherapy notes.


Navigating psychotherapy notes under HIPAA

Psychotherapy notes, containing the therapist's observations and impressions, are subject to even stricter HIPAA regulations. In most cases, therapists must obtain a specific HIPAA psychotherapy notes release form from the patient before disclosing the records, even for treatment purposes.

Read also: What are HIPAA forms? 


Implementing HIPAA compliant intake forms

The importance of HIPAA compliant intake forms

Before initiating treatment, therapists must obtain informed consent from patients and collect personal and medical information. Intake forms provide a secure and standardized way to gather this data, including demographic details, medical history, insurance information, and emergency contacts.


Securing patient information with HIPAA compliant platforms

To ensure HIPAA compliance, therapists should use specialized platforms that offer security measures, such as encryption, access controls, and multi-factor authentication. These platforms safeguard the sensitive information collected through intake forms, preventing unauthorized access and maintaining the confidentiality of patient records.


Streamlining the intake process with HIPAA compliant forms

HIPAA compliant intake forms protect patient privacy and streamline the intake process, allowing therapists to efficiently collect and organize information. By using these standardized forms, therapists can ensure that all relevant details are captured, facilitating the development of personalized treatment plans and enhancing the overall quality of care.

Related: HIPAA compliant intake forms for therapy sessions 


Paubox’s solution

Paubox assists in providing HIPAA compliant forms by offering a secure and user-friendly online form solution tailored for healthcare organizations. With Paubox Forms, healthcare providers can easily create custom forms using an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, ensuring seamless design and customization. These forms are built to be HIPAA compliant from the ground up, incorporating strong security measures such as encryption and access controls to protect patient data. 

Patient information collected through these forms is stored securely in an encrypted format, ensuring confidentiality. Paubox Forms integrates smoothly with popular electronic health record (EHR) systems for data transfer, streamlining various administrative tasks. 


In the news

BetterHelp, an online counseling company, has reached a settlement of $7.8 million with the Federal Trade Commission following allegations of mishandling sensitive customer data. The FTC's complaint asserts that BetterHelp violated its privacy promises by sharing personal health information, including email addresses, IP addresses, and health questionnaire responses, with companies such as Facebook, Snapchat, and others for advertising purposes. 

Despite assuring consumers of strict data protection, BetterHelp allegedly misled customers with false assurances and misrepresented its compliance with HIPAA regulations. The proposed settlement would enforce stricter data handling practices, require disclosure to affected customers, and mandate a detailed privacy program overseen by independent assessments, lasting for two decades pending public comment.



Should therapists comply with HIPAA regulations? 

Yes, therapists are considered covered entities under HIPAA and must comply with the regulations. Failure to do so can result in fines, legal action, and data breaches.


Can therapists email clients under HIPAA? 

Yes, therapists can email clients as long as they use HIPAA compliant email services that maintain the privacy and security of patient communications.


What are the elements of a HIPAA compliance program for therapists? 

A detailed HIPAA compliance program for therapists should include regular security risk assessments, the development of customized policies and procedures, mandatory employee training, the management of business associate agreements, and incident management and audit support.

Learn more: HIPAA Compliant Email for Mental Health Professionals