Paubox blog: HIPAA compliant email made easy

HIPAA compliant email for treatment adherence

Written by Tshedimoso Makhene | May 24, 2024

HIPAA compliant email can help ensure treatment adherence by providing secure and efficient communication between healthcare providers and patients.


Treatment adherence

About 66% of U.S. adults take prescription drugs; however, only half of them adhere to their treatment. One study found that of the 600,000 patients, 39% forgot to take their meds, 20% did not renew scripts on time, and 10% put off refills, resulting in multiple missed doses. A solution to this could be using HIPAA compliant emails to promote treatment adherence.


How HIPAA compliant email ensures treatment adherence

Secure communication of medical information

HIPAA compliant email systems use encryption and other security measures to protect the privacy of patient information. This allows healthcare providers to communicate sensitive medical information, such as treatment plans, test results, and medication instructions, securely with patients.


Timely reminders and follow-ups

Email can be used to send patients reminders about their appointments, medication schedules, and upcoming treatments. These reminders can help patients stay on track with their treatment plans. Automated email systems can be set up to send these reminders at scheduled intervals, reducing the risk of missed doses or appointments.


Educational content and resources

Providers can email patients to send educational materials, helping them understand their conditions and the importance of adhering to their treatment plans. This can include articles, videos, and other resources that explain the benefits of following prescribed treatments and the potential consequences of non-adherence.


Two-way communication

HIPAA compliant email allows for secure two-way communication between patients and healthcare providers. Patients can ask questions and report issues or side effects they are experiencing, and providers can respond with advice or adjustments to the treatment plan. This continuous feedback loop can help address concerns that might lead to non-adherence.


Personalized treatment plans

Providers can use email to send personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's individual needs. These plans can include specific instructions, schedules, and tips that make it easier for patients to follow their prescribed treatments.

RelatedHow to balance personalization and privacy for HIPAA compliance


Support and encouragement

Regular emails can provide patients with motivational messages and support, helping maintain morale and adherence, especially for long-term treatments. Knowing that their healthcare provider is engaged and supportive can boost patients' commitment to their treatment.

See also:



What makes an email HIPAA compliant?

An email is HIPAA compliant if it includes encryption, secure access controls, and audit trails to protect patient information. It must also ensure that only authorized individuals can access the email contents and comply with all HIPAA regulations to protect patient privacy.


Do patients need to consent to receive emails from their healthcare providers?

Yes, patients typically need to provide consent to receive emails from their healthcare providers. They should be informed about the potential risks and benefits of email communication and agree to this method of communication before it is used.

Learn moreHow to obtain patient consent for email communication


Are there any limitations to using email for healthcare communication?

While email can be a convenient and efficient communication tool, there are limitations to consider. For example, email may not be appropriate for urgent or emergency situations, as there may be delays in response times. Additionally, some patients may not have access to or feel comfortable using email, so alternative communication methods should be available.

See alsoChoosing a communication platform for patients