Paubox blog: HIPAA compliant email made easy

HIPAA compliant emails to reduce prescribing errors

Written by Caitlin Anthoney | May 30, 2024

Provider organizations can send HIPAA compliant emails that include good prescribing tips to physicians, reducing prescribing errors and ultimately contributing to better patient outcomes.


Addressing prescribing errors in healthcare

The World Health Organization (WHO) states “Unsafe medication practices and medication errors are a leading cause of injury and avoidable harm in health care systems across the world. Globally, the cost associated with medication errors has been estimated at $42 billion USD annually.”

So, the Prescribing Improvement Model (PIM) was developed, “to improve pharmacists’ feedback on prescribing errors.”  Where the “provision of feedback on prescribing errors will facilitate prescriber education, reflection and changes to practice, and thus increase safety of prescribing.”

More specifically, ‘good prescribing tip’ emails can address one prescribing error in depth. A study on the implementation and evaluation of a good prescribing tip email found that it can “contribute to a reduction in the prevalence of prescribing errors across all wards, thereby improving patient safety.”

Provider organizations can use HIPAA compliant emails to send regular prescribing tips, reducing errors and enhancing patient safety.


Examples of prescribing tips to include in emails

Double-check drug allergies

Provider organizations can use HIPAA compliant emails to remind physicians to review the patient's allergy history before prescribing any medication. Double-check for any documented allergies in the medical records.

Clarity in prescriptions

Providers must ensure that all prescriptions are legible and unambiguous. They should also avoid abbreviations and write out the full drug name, dosage, route, and frequency.

Weight-based dosing for pediatrics

Provider organizations can remind physicians to always calculate dosages based on weight in children. More specifically, they should use current weight and consult pediatric dosing guidelines to ensure accuracy.

Avoiding drug interactions

Provider organizations can email tips that remind physicians to check for potential drug interactions by incorporating electronic prescribing systems or interaction checkers, especially when adding new medications to a patient’s regimen.

Documenting indications

Physicians must include the indication for each medication on the prescription to help pharmacists verify the appropriateness of the therapy and assist in patient understanding.

Actionable advice

HIPAA compliant emails can prompt physicians to review prescriptions for errors before finalizing them. Additionally, tip emails can include formularies, clinical guidelines, and information on how to contact pharmacists when in doubt.


Steps to implement HIPAA compliant prescribing tip emails

1. Choose a HIPAA compliant email platform

Provider organizations must use a HIPAA compliant emailing platform, like Paubox, that offers encryption, safeguarding protected health information (PHI) during transit and at rest, especially when using specific patient case examples.

2. Identify common prescribing errors

Provider organizations should analyze data from incident reports and consult with pharmacists and senior clinicians to identify frequent prescribing mistakes among junior doctors.

3. Develop concise tips

Provider organizations should create evidence-based tips that address the identified errors, ensuring these tips are straightforward, actionable, and aligned with current clinical guidelines.

4. Design the email template

Provider organizations can use a professional, easy-to-read format for their email templates, reducing the administration burden. Additionally, these emails should include a compelling subject line, a brief introduction, the main content with prescribing tips, actionable advice, and a conclusion with secure resource links and contact information.

5. Pilot the email

Providers can send the initial email to a small group of junior doctors to gather feedback and adjust the email if needed.

6. Implement the email campaign

The HIPAA compliant emails can be sent to junior doctors regularly (e.g., weekly or bi-weekly), ensuring consistent reinforcement of best practices.

7. Evaluate the effectiveness

Providers can use metrics such as prescribing error rates, feedback surveys, and prescribing audits to assess the impact of the emails and make continuous improvements.



Can prescribing tip emails help reduce errors?

Yes, these emails provide junior doctors with evidence-based, actionable tips to address common prescribing mistakes, enhancing their prescribing practices and patient safety. Additionally, provider organizations must use HIPAA compliant emails to secure patient data.


What is a HIPAA compliant email?

HIPAA compliant email platforms, like Paubox, use encryption and secure data storage to safeguard protected health information (PHI) during transmission and at rest.


Can providers use any email provider for HIPAA compliant emails?

No, providers must use an email provider that specifically offers HIPAA compliant features like encryption, secure data storage, and the ability to sign a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) to ensure the protection of PHI.