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HIPAA compliant texting campaigns for chronic pain management

HIPAA compliant texting campaigns for chronic pain management

Several studies show that text messaging improves patient outcomes and satisfaction, and the recent launch of HIPAA compliant texting campaigns can help providers create texting strategies that address the global issue of chronic pain.


Chronic pain statistics

Chronic pain affects millions of people worldwide, often leading to physical, emotional, and economic burdens. 

According to the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, “an estimated 20.9% of U.S. adults (51.6 million persons) experienced chronic pain, and 6.9% (17.1 million persons) experienced high-impact chronic pain (i.e., chronic pain that results in substantial restriction to daily activities).” 

Considering its high prevalence and impact on daily living, healthcare providers are often looking for new ways to support patients with chronic pain. 


How text messages can help

Research shows that patients with chronic pain appreciate regular check-ins and reminders. “People suffering from chronic pain experience a type of invisibility that is also borne by other chronically ill people and their respective medical conditions,” explains a study on chronic pain patients’ need for recognition and their current struggle.

A study on how older adults with chronic pain manage social support interactions with mobile media adds that patients “appreciate that text messaging lowers obligations and expectations for a response," especially during pain flare-ups.

Furthermore, providers can use text messages to give patients validation in their daily struggles with chronic pain. However, according to federal law, text messages containing patients’ protected health information (PHI) must be HIPAA compliant.


HIPAA compliant text messages

HIPAA compliant text messaging is a simple solution to giving patients with chronic pain the support they need. HIPAA compliant platforms, like Paubox, automatically encrypt outgoing messages, helping providers avoid costly non-compliance fines and penalties.


How to develop patient-centric HIPAA compliant texting campaigns

Segment patients based on their needs

HIPAA compliant texting campaigns allow providers to segment patients based on their needs. Specifically, sending timely and relevant updates can improve patient satisfaction. 

For example, sending automated test results “can improve patient satisfaction with the communication of information regarding their condition and treatment plans,” as evidenced in a study on patients' satisfaction with test result communication.

Additionally, it delivers test results promptly and reduces wait times to help improve the patient's experience.


Personalize text messages 

Patients with chronic pain can benefit from personalized messages, like reminders for pain management appointments, medication refills, or motivational messages to encourage treatment plan adherence.

According to a study on using text messages to communicate with patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, “Patients with higher pain levels reported more frustration with their surgery delay [and] more frustrated patients wished they received more text messages.”

So, providers must use empathetic language and be responsive to patients experiencing high pain levels. Instead of texting "I'm sorry, there's nothing more we can do for your pain," a provider could say "I understand you're in a lot of pain right now. Let's work together to find a solution that works for you." 


Be consistent

Patients with chronic pain often experience flare-ups that can lead to anxiety and frustration. Regular text updates can help reassure and keep patients engaged in their care plans. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many patients found text messages helpful in staying connected with their care teams, where "Survey responses (n = 111) demonstrated that 98.2% of patients liked the text messages and 95.5% said that they felt more connected to their care team; 91.9% of patients agreed that the text updates helped them avoid calling the office."


Send pain management tips

Similar to how mass media campaigns educate the public on health behaviors, providers can also use HIPAA compliant texting to send tips, like relaxation techniques, exercises, or diet changes, for managing pain. 

Like, texting a patient with fibromyalgia tips on incorporating foods rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids to reduce inflammation and potentially alleviate pain. Ultimately, these tips can empower patients to take greater control over decisions and actions affecting their health.


Use metrics and KPIs to measure the success 

“After defining the [text message] marketing strategy, marketers must choose KPIs and develop the campaign. Launch a mobile marketing campaign and gather data using inbuilt or third-party solutions,” advises the growing trend of mobile marketing in the sustainable development of global business.

It also explains how “mobile marketers have access to the crucial KPIs with the click of a mouse on their laptops or with a single touch on their mobile dashboards.”

HIPAA compliant solutions, like Paubox, allow providers to measure the success of their texting campaigns using specific metrics and KPIs. These metrics give providers insights into how well the campaign meets its goals and where there might be room for improvement.

High engagement rates, including open rates and response rates, show patients find the messages relevant and valuable. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the previous study found that "Engagement rates averaged 90%," showing that well-designed text messaging campaigns can be highly effective.

On the other hand, low engagement rates suggest that the messaging content or frequency needs to be adjusted. 


Measure patient satisfaction 

Providers must get patient feedback to identify potential communication gaps.

High satisfaction rates are a good indicator that the campaign is effective, like in the survey mentioned in the previous study, where “95.5% of patients felt more connected to their care team due to text updates.” 

Providers can use HIPAA compliant forms tailored for patient satisfaction surveys to see how well the campaign is working and where they can improve. The data collected from these surveys can help providers identify trends to improve future texting campaigns.


Assess the impact on health outcomes

The goal of any chronic pain management program is to improve patient outcomes. Providers must monitor metrics like appointment no-shows, medication adherence, and overall pain management to see how well the texting campaign supports these goals. 


Choose a cost-effective option  

Since chronic pain is so prevalent and requires ongoing patient communication, providers must assess the cost-effectiveness of the HIPAA compliant texting campaign. 

As noted in a scoping review on mass media campaigns for chronic pain, “Both high and low-cost campaigns produce similar improvements in campaign awareness.” So, the effectiveness of a campaign is not necessarily tied to its budget but rather to how well it is designed and executed.

Ultimately, providers should focus on creating engaging content and strategic delivery to maximize the impact of their campaigns

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Do HIPAA compliant texting campaigns require patient consent?

Yes, HIPAA mandates that patients explicitly opt-in to receive these texts. Providers must check that patients are interested in the information to reduce the perception of intrusiveness. 


How do secure text message solutions ensure HIPAA compliance?

HIPAA compliant texting adheres to the security standards and encryption protocols specified by HIPAA regulations to safeguard protected health information (PHI). 

Secure platforms, like Paubox, offer secure message delivery and data loss prevention to further enhance compliance with HIPAA and other privacy regulations

These measures help ensure that sensitive information is secure during transmission and storage.   


Can providers use emojis or abbreviations in pain management texts?

While emojis and abbreviations may be convenient, providers should aim for clear and concise communication, avoiding ambiguity or misinterpretation of pain-related messages.

Go deeper: Are emojis in text messages to patients still HIPAA compliant?

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