Java Wrapper for Paubox Email API
The Paubox Java wrapper allows you to construct and send secure, HIPAA compliant messages. This package is the official Java wrapper for the Paubox Email API. The Paubox Email API allows your application to send secure, HIPAA compliant email via Paubox and track deliveries and opens.
SEE ALSO: Why Healthcare Businesses Choose the Paubox Email API
Add the jar file (Paubox.Email.API.jar) in the classpath of your Java project.
Getting Paubox Email API Credentials
You will need to have a Paubox account. You can sign up here. Once you have an account, follow the instructions on the Rest API dashboard to verify domain ownership and generate API credentials.
Configuring API Credentials
Include your API credentials in a configuration file. Create a configuration properties file, and add the following 2 properties to this file:APIKEY: Your-API-Key-Here APIUSER: Your-Username-HereGive the path to this configuration file as input to ConfigurationManager.getProperties() method. e.g.
To send email, prepare a Message object and call the SendMessage method of EmailService using EmailInterface:
Sending messages
static SendMessageResponse SendMessage() { Message message = new Message(); Content content = new Content(); Header header = new Header(); message.setRecipients(new String[] { "", ““ }); header.setFrom(""); message.setBcc(new String[] { "" }); header.setSubject("Testing!"); header.setReplyTo(""); content.setPlainText("Hello World!"); message.setHeader(header); message.setContent(content); EmailInterface email = new EmailService(); SendMessageResponse response = email.SendMessage(message); return response; }
Allowing non-TLS message delivery
If you want to send non-PHI mail that does not need to be HIPAA-compliant, you can allow the message delivery to take place even if a TLS connection is unavailable. This means the message will not be converted into a secure portal message when a nonTLS connection is encountered. To do this, just pass true to message.setAllowNonTLS() method, as shown below:static SendMessageResponse SendNonTLSMessage() { Message message = new Message(); Content content = new Content(); Header header = new Header(); message.setRecipients(new String[] { "", ““ }); header.setFrom(""); message.setBcc(new String[] { "" }); header.setSubject("Testing!"); header.setReplyTo(""); content.setPlainText("Hello World!"); message.setAllowNonTLS(true); message.setHeader(header); message.setContent(content); EmailInterface email = new EmailService(); SendMessageResponse response = email.SendMessage(message); return response; }
Adding Attachments
static SendMessageResponse SendMessage() { Message message = new Message(); Content content = new Content(); Header header = new Header(); message.setRecipients(new String[] { "", ““ }); header.setFrom(""); message.setBcc(new String[] { "" }); header.setSubject("Testing!"); header.setReplyTo(""); content.setPlainText("Hello World!"); message.setHeader(header); message.setContent(content); // Base64 encode attachment contents and use a valid content type. Attachment attachment = new Attachment(); List listAttachments = new ArrayList(); attachment.setFileName("hello_world.txt"); attachment.setContentType("text/plain"); attachment.setContent("SGVsbG8gV29ybGQhn"); listAttachments.add(attachment); EmailInterface email = new EmailService(); SendMessageResponse response = email.SendMessage(message); return response; }
Checking Email Dispositions
To check the status for any email, use its source tracking id and call the GetEmailDisposition method of EmailService using EmailInterface:static void GetEmailDisposition() { EmailInterface email = new EmailService(); GetEmailDispositionResponse response = email.GetEmailDisposition(“2a3c048485aa4cf6”); }
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