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HITRUST CSF gap analysis (day 2) for a Silicon Valley startup

HITRUST CSF gap analysis (day 2) for a Silicon Valley startup
Tyler Dornenburg and Jeff Pochily covering Anti-Virus policies Jeff Pochily from Kirkpatrick Price was back in our office this morning as day two of our HITRUST CSF Gap Analysis. The Gap Analysis is part of our journey for the HITRUST RightStart program. Here's some of what we covered today for Day 2:
  • Allot more time to discuss scoring, self-assessment, and requirement statements
  • Walk through the basics of the CSF, how requirement statements are determined, and how the CSF is used
  • Start looking at specific requirements and test score several based on our current compliance status


SEE ALSO: HITRUST CSF Gap Analysis for a Silicon Valley Startup


HITRUST CSF Gap Analysis Takeaways (Day 2)



Lunch with Jeff Pochily at Deli Board in SOMA

Here are some of my takeaways from today:

  • A passing score of 3+ in every domain is needed to pass HITRUST, or 3 with Correction Action Plans (CAPs)
  • Corrective Action Plans must show progress at the 1 year mark or be resolved
  • Deli Board is a legit sandwich spot
  • Google only recently attained HITRUST certification
  • Web Application Firewalls are a necessary component of HITRUST
  • According to HITRUST: "The organization does not send PII/PHI over facsimile (FAX), unless it cannot be sent over other, more secure, channels e.g., delivery by hand, secure email."


HITRUST Alliance

Founded in 2007, HITRUST Alliance is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to champion programs that safeguard sensitive information and manage information risk for organizations across all industries and throughout the third-party supply chain.

In collaboration with privacy, information security and risk management leaders from both the public and private sectors, HITRUST develops, maintains and provides broad access to its widely adopted common risk and compliance management and de-identification frameworks; related assessment and assurance methodologies; and initiatives advancing cyber sharing, analysis, and resilience.


HITRUST RightStart Program

The RightStart program is aimed at giving startups the tools needed to make information security and compliance easier to establish and manage.

The newly introduced program helps startups like us accelerate adoption of the most comprehensive risk management, compliance, privacy and security suite of services in the marketplace.

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