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How email helps log personal milestones of therapy sessions

How email helps log personal milestones of therapy sessions

When patients share their achievements, it affirms their progress and empowers them by showing tangible signs of improvement. This process can boost the efficacy of mental health treatment by reinforcing positive behaviors and strategies that work, thereby promoting a sense of achievement and self-efficacy. While milestones are useful indicators, they must be balanced with responsive, personalized approaches that adapt to each patient’s needs and experiences, like HIPAA compliant email.


The big milestones in therapy

  1. Noticing an uplift in spirits and a consistent increase in energy, facilitating daily activities.
  2. Applying new coping mechanisms learned in therapy to real-life stressors and challenges.
  3. Achieving more regular and restorative sleep patterns as emotional and psychological health improves.
  4. Participating more actively in hobbies, work, and social activities that were previously neglected.
  5. Experiencing healthier and more fulfilling interactions with family, friends, and colleagues.
  6. Feeling more confident in making decisions and expressing oneself in various aspects of life.
  7. Noticing improvements at work, including better concentration, efficiency, and relationships with coworkers.
  8. Decreasing or eliminating behaviors such as substance abuse, overeating, or excessive isolation.
  9. Developing a stronger ability to handle life’s stresses without becoming overwhelmed.
  10. Becoming more aware of one’s emotions, triggers, and the effects of one’s behavior on others.
  11. Reaching personal milestones that may include career advancement, educational achievements, or personal projects.

See also: Improve telepsychiatry with HIPAA compliant emails


How email fills the gap in milestone communication

A Journal of Family Issues study opens with the idea that...the transition to adulthood was demarcated by a set of demographic milestones—completing education, working full time, becoming financially independent, living independently, getting married, and becoming a parent (Hogan & Astone, 1986; Shanahan, 2000)—that appeared to represent Americans’ idealized definition of adulthood.”

Each patient's journey is distinctly their own, marked by personal triumphs and challenges, which means milestones can vary widely. What's a breakthrough for one might be routine for another.

Taking the conversation about milestones into email before diving into them during a therapy session can enrich the discussion. This method allows both parties to reflect thoughtfully on the progress, leading to a more meaningful and targeted session. They come prepared, ready to delve deeper into each point, which maximizes the time spent in therapy. Using email offers both a well-documented track of achievements as well as providing accessibility. 


How to set up patient milestones through email 

  1. Create a simple, structured email template for patients to use when recording their milestones. This helps standardize the process and makes it easier for both patients and therapists to track progress.
  2. Provide patients with clear instructions on how and when to send milestone updates. This might include guidance on the types of milestones to report, the frequency of emails (e.g., weekly or monthly), and whom to address them to.
  3. Make milestone logging via email a part of the patient's treatment plan. Discuss its benefits in therapy sessions, reinforcing how this practice can improve their therapeutic journey.
  4. Train all relevant staff on how to handle and respond to milestone emails. Similarly, offer a brief training or an instruction sheet to patients to help them understand how to use the email template and encourage them to be consistent.
  5. Regularly schedule parts of therapy sessions to discuss the milestones logged via email. This allows for a deeper exploration of each milestone.
  6. Ensure that all email communications adhere to privacy and security standards by using HIPAA compliant email software like Paubox.

See also: Top 12 HIPAA compliant email services



Is additional consent required to initiate email communication of milestones?

Yes, separate consent is necessary to ensure that patients agree to the privacy terms related to sharing their milestones via email.


Why is it important to agree on the frequency of milestone emails before beginning the process?

Setting the frequency of milestone emails upfront helps manage expectations and ensures the process aligns with both the patient's comfort level and therapeutic needs.


Why should only staff authorized by the patient have access to their personal health information (PHI)?

Access to PHI must be limited to authorized staff to protect patient privacy and comply with legal regulations concerning confidentiality and data security.

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