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How email retention policies provide legal defensibility

Written by Tshedimoso Makhene | December 20, 2023

Email retention policies are essential for organizations to manage electronic communications effectively while ensuring legal compliance. These policies help establish a structured approach to email management, promoting consistency, security, and accountability within an organization.


What are email retention policies?

Email retention policies are guidelines or protocols organizations establish to dictate email management, storage, and disposal within their systems. These policies outline specific rules and timeframes for retaining emails based on their content, relevance, and regulatory requirements. They serve as a framework to ensure that emails are managed systematically throughout their lifecycle, from creation to deletion.


Role of email retention policies on legal defensibility

Legal defensibility refers to the ability of a party or an organization to support and defend their actions, decisions, or policies in a legal context. It encompasses the strategies, evidence, documentation, and practices to demonstrate that an entity's actions are justifiable, compliant with relevant laws and regulations, and can withstand legal challenges or disputes.

Email retention policies play a crucial role in legal defensibility for several reasons:

  • Compliance with regulations: A clear retention policy ensures compliance with HIPAA regulations, which can be essential for legal defensibility in audits or legal disputes.
  • Documented procedures: Retention policies establish documented procedures for managing emails. These procedures demonstrate that an organization follows a structured approach to retaining and disposing of emails, which can be used to defend against claims of negligence or mishandling of information.
  • Mitigation of risk: By adhering to a retention policy, an organization can mitigate risks associated with legal action.
  • Cost and resource management: Retention policies often outline the specific duration for which emails should be retained based on their relevance or legal necessity. This helps manage storage costs and reduces the volume of potentially discoverable information, streamlining the process in the case of legal proceedings.
  • Consistency in handling data: A consistent email retention and disposal approach across the organization ensures uniformity in data management practices.
  • Demonstrating good faith: Adherence to a well-structured retention policy can demonstrate that an organization acts in good faith regarding its data management practices. 
