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How text messaging benefits physical rehabilitative support

How text messaging benefits physical rehabilitative support

Physical rehabilitation practices have specific communication needs that are required for the success of treatment plans. A study on the relationship between physical therapy and linguistics provides the following insight, “In the context of physical therapy, effective communication is vital for establishing rapport, trust, and understanding between therapists and patients, as well as for conveying information about diagnoses, treatment plans, and progress.”

Fast communication types include updates on patient progress, responses to patient inquiries about pain or discomfort, and reminders for appointment schedules or medication. If communication isn't efficient and speedy, it can lead to several negative outcomes. Patients might perform exercises incorrectly for longer periods, risking injury or setbacks in their recovery.


How text messaging benefits physical rehabilitative support

A study on using text messaging to improve physical activity in cardiac rehabilitative support showed positive results. Specifically, “Sending standardized telephone text messages, as an add-on mHealth application to individualized exercise prescription, reinforced the outcomes after a phase 2 CR program. Indeed, it is a safe, effective, and inexpensive intervention that improves adherence to good PA habits in patients…” 

Text messaging delivers real-time feedback on rehab activity straight to patients' mobile phones! That's the convenience text messaging offers, allowing therapists to watch patients' progress and swiftly step in if something goes off track. It also fits effortlessly into a patient's day. It doesn’t demand any complicated tech skills, making it easy for anyone to use. 

Patients can receive tailored exercise instructions, encouraging messages, and reminders for their next appointment or medication schedule—all pinged straight to their pockets. This constant touchpoint boosts motivation and makes it much easier for patients to stick to their rehabilitation routines even when they're away from the clinic.

See also: Using HIPAA compliant texts to enhance patient rehabilitation programs


The types of texts to send during physical rehabilitative support

  1. Texts that remind patients about specific exercises they need to perform each day, including the time and frequency.
  2. Messages that include links to videos or images demonstrating how to correctly perform exercises, ensuring patients follow proper techniques.
  3. Encouraging texts are sent periodically to boost patient morale and keep them motivated throughout their recovery process.
  4. Regular messages ask patients to report on their progress, pain levels, or any challenges they are facing, which helps in adjusting their treatment plan.
  5. Texts are sent a day before and on the day of a scheduled appointment to reduce no show rates and ensure patients keep up with their treatment schedule.
  6. Messages soliciting feedback on the rehabilitation process and the effectiveness of communication can help in improving service delivery.
  7. Quick tips about safety measures to prevent injuries during exercises, such as the need for warming up and cooling down.
  8. Texts reminding patients to take their medications, if applicable, which can be beneficial for managing pain and facilitating recovery.
  9. Educational texts related to overall health and wellness that support a holistic approach to rehabilitation, such as nutrition tips for better recovery.
  10. Periodic reminders of whom to contact in case of an emergency or if patients experience severe pain or other concerning symptoms.


How to effectively use text messaging for physical rehabilitative support

  1. Select a suitable text messaging platform: Research and compare HIPAA compliant text messaging platforms like Paubox that offer features like automation, scheduling, and two way messaging.
  2. Develop content and messaging protocols: Develop templates for different types of messages, such as
  • Daily exercise reminders.
  • Weekly motivational quotes.
  • Biweekly progress inquiries.
  1. Integrate text messaging into patient onboarding: During the patient's initial visit, introduce the text messaging component as part of the therapy plan. Include text messaging consent in the patient onboarding documents, detailing what information will be communicated and patients' rights regarding their data.
  2. Automate and schedule communication: Utilize the scheduling feature of your platform to automate the sending of routine messages based on each patient’s therapy schedule. Set up alerts for therapists to make real time adjustments to scheduled messages based on ongoing patient feedback or changes in therapy plans.
  3. Implement two way messaging capabilities: Enable features that allow patients to respond to messages, whether to confirm receipt, report their status, or ask questions. Designate specific times when therapists are available to respond to incoming messages, ensuring timely interaction.

See also: The potential uses of HIPAA compliant texting



Is consent needed to send rehab support through text messaging?

Yes, consent is required.


What are complementary methods of communication for rehab support?

Complementary methods include phone calls, video consultations, email updates, in person meetings, and the use of patient portals.


What kinds of texts can be sent after recovery?

After recovery, texts can include follow up care instructions, wellness tips, reminders for periodic checkups, and surveys to assess long term outcomes.

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