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How to monitor anomalies

Written by Tshedimoso Makhene | May 24, 2024

Monitoring anomalies allows organizations to detect and respond to unexpected deviations from normal behavior, which can indicate underlying issues or opportunities. By identifying anomalies early, businesses can prevent potential disruptions, such as system failures, security breaches, or financial fraud, thereby safeguarding their operations and assets.


What are anomalies?

Anomalies are data points, events, or patterns that significantly deviate from a dataset's expected norm or average. They are also referred to as outliers, exceptions, or irregularities. Anomalies can indicate various issues or opportunities depending on the context in which they occur.

The detection of anomalies finds its application in many casesit's leveraged for fraud detection in finance domains, defect or equipment malfunction identification across manufacturing units, unusual network activity discovery to protect cybersecurity, and abnormal patient condition diagnosis within healthcare sectors. 

See alsoWhat is cybersecurity in healthcare? 


Monitoring anomalies

Monitoring anomalies involves identifying deviations from normal patterns in various data sets. Here are some steps and techniques for effectively monitoring anomalies:


Define normal behavior

  • Baseline data: Establish a baseline by collecting and analyzing historical data to understand what normal behavior looks like.
  • Statistical analysis: Use statistical methods to define the normal range of data points. Common techniques include calculating mean, standard deviation, and percentiles.

Data collection and preparation

  • Automated data collection: Implement automated systems for continuous data collection to ensure real-time monitoring.
  • Data cleaning: Ensure the data is clean, consistent, and free of noise, as anomalies in dirty data may be misleading.
  • Data normalization: Normalize data to bring all data points to a common scale without distorting differences in ranges.

Anomaly detection techniques

Statistical methods

  • Z-Score: Identifies how many standard deviations a data point is from the mean.
  • Moving average: Compares current data points against the moving average to detect sudden changes.

Machine learning

  • Supervised learning: Train models like Decision Trees, SVMs, or Neural Networks using labeled data where anomalies are tagged.
  • Unsupervised learning: Use clustering methods like K-means or DBSCAN, or algorithms like Isolation Forest, which do not require labeled data.
  • Time series analysis: Use models such as ARIMA, LSTM, or Prophet for data that is time-dependent.

Real-time monitoring tools

  • Monitoring software: Use software platforms like Splunk, Datadog, ELK Stack, or custom dashboards that support real-time anomaly detection and alerting.
  • Alert systems: Set up automated alerts (emails, SMS, push notifications) for immediate notification when anomalies are detected.


  • Dashboards: Create dashboards using tools like Grafana, Tableau, or Power BI to visualize data trends and anomalies.
  • Charts and graphs: Utilize time series plots, histograms, and scatter plots to visually inspect anomalies.

Regular reviews and adjustments

  • Periodic analysisRegularly review and adjust the anomaly detection parameters and algorithms to adapt to new trends and behaviors.
  • Feedback loop: Implement a feedback mechanism where detected anomalies are reviewed and used to refine the detection models.

Anomaly management and response

  • Incident management: Develop a response plan for handling detected anomalies, including investigation, mitigation, and reporting.
  • Root cause analysis: Conduct thorough investigations to understand the underlying causes of anomalies and take corrective actions.

See alsoWhat is a digital forensics incident response plan?


Case studies and historical analysis

  • Post-mortem analysis: After an anomaly has been detected and addressed, conduct a post-mortem analysis to learn from the incident and improve future detection and response strategies.
  • Historical data comparison: Compare current data with historical anomalies to identify recurring patterns and potential improvements in monitoring processes.

See alsoHIPAA Compliant Email: The Definitive Guide



Can anomaly monitoring prevent healthcare data breaches?

Yes, anomaly monitoring can prevent healthcare data breaches by detecting unusual patterns or behaviors indicative of potential security threats or unauthorized access attempts.


What are some common pitfalls in anomaly detection?

Common pitfalls include:

  • Overfitting: Creating models too closely tailored to the training data, leading to poor performance on new data.
  • Ignoring context: Failing to consider the context in which data is collected can lead to misinterpreting anomalies.
  • Insufficient data: Limited data can make it difficult to establish a reliable baseline for normal behavior.