In 2022, one in eight people globally lived with obesity with 37 million children under the age of five and 390 million children being classified as overweight. Childhood obesity is a concerning condition because of the chronic diseases it exposes younger demographics to most of which drastically impact their quality of life for decades to come. As prevention is always better than cure, the education of parents assists in ensuring that statistics like those previously mentioned can be drastically reduced.
Obesity stems from an imbalance between energy intake and expenditure but can be exacerbated by factors like genetic predispositions and psychosocial issues. The condition can heighten the risk people face for chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases that require long-term care. In young children, beyond the stigma of obesity, the early onset of chronic disease can be a constant and costly burden carried into adulthood.
It is in the hands of GPs and pediatricians to educate parents early on about the risk of obesity in children and how to create a well-balanced, healthy lifestyle for their children. Through adequate resources, parents can implement early interventions that benefit their children in the long run without the risk of imposing harmful ideals around body image and nutrition.
Provide personalized health tips
Promote obesity prevention programs and events
Encourage two way communication
Raise awareness on mental health and obesity stigma
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In the US it is commonly handled by school districts and nonprofits like the American Heart Association.
Minors can consent to their treatments in cases like sexual and mental health or when they are emancipated. This consent can differ based on state legislation.
Legislative preemption occurs when a higher level of government overrides or limits the ability of local governments to enact their laws.