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Increasing awareness of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD)

Increasing awareness of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD)

HIPAA compliant emails can help providers increase awareness of FASD, ultimately leading to better outcomes for affected individuals and their families.


What is FASD?

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism,Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, also known as FASD, is a term that refers to the broad range of lifelong birth defects and neurodevelopmental abnormalities that occur as a result of prenatal alcohol exposure.”

However, sinceFASD is entirely preventable… raising awareness about the consequences of prenatal alcohol exposure [promotes] the prevention of FASD, increased screening for prenatal alcohol exposure, improved diagnosis of FASD, and the development of effective interventions for individuals with FASD.

Furthermore, an international campaign to raise public awareness of FASD statesincreasing awareness of the risks of drinking in pregnancy is considered the first step towards FASD prevention.Specifically, it emphasizes educating women about the dangers of alcohol consumption during pregnancy through accurate information and support so individuals can make informed decisions to protect their unborn child's health. 


How HIPAA compliant emails can help increase FASD awareness

HIPAA compliant platforms

Providers must use a HIPAA compliant platform, like Paubox, to protect individuals’ health information, including pregnant women and those affected by FASD. These platforms offer security measures like encryption, two-factor authentication, and access controls, preventing unauthorized access and mitigating potential data breaches.


Targeted outreach

Providers can segment their HIPAA compliant emails to address specific groups. For example, pregnant women can receive information about prenatal care while healthcare providers can be informed about the latest research and intervention strategies.


Continuous support 

Providers can also send regular HIPAA compliant emails to support individuals and families affected by FASD. For example, emails can include prenatal appointment reminders and guidelines on appropriate nutritional supplements for expectant mothers. 

HIPAA compliant emails can also include resource directories with local support groups, specialized clinics, and educational programs to assist affected families.

Furthermore, providers can use HIPAA compliant emails to securely share information on behavioral and learning interventions, supporting cognitive and behavioral development and improving outcomes.


Diagnostic collaboration

Using HIPAA compliant emails builds trust with recipients, making them more likely to open, read, and act on the information provided. So, primary healthcare physicians can use HIPAA compliant emails to refer affected individuals to pediatricians, geneticists, and neuropsychologists, who may be better equipped to conduct FASD evaluations.

These professionals can then use HIPAA compliant emails to provide detailed information on available diagnostic assessments, ensuring that affected individuals and families are well-informed about developmental screenings, neuropsychological evaluations, and other diagnostic procedures.


School-based collaboration

Providers can use HIPAA compliant emails to promote partnerships between schools and FASD specialists through collaborative projects and training sessions. Ultimately, it can help students with FASD receive the support they need to succeed academically and socially, creating a more inclusive environment for all students.

Go deeper: Promoting mental health in schools with HIPAA compliant emails



Can HIPAA compliant emails improve patient engagement?

Yes, providers can use HIPAA compliant emails to send reminders and share resources, making it easier for patients to stay informed and involved in their care.

Read also: Ways to use HIPAA compliant email to increase patient engagement


Can providers use regular email services like Gmail to communicate with patients?

No, regular email services like Gmail do not safeguard patients’ protected health information (PHI). Instead, providers must use a HIPAA compliant platform, like Paubox, which uses encryption and other security features to protect PHI.


Can providers send include attachments in a HIPAA compliant email?

Yes, HIPAA compliant emailing platforms, like Paubox, automatically encrypt attachments, protecting attachments during email transmission and at rest.

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