Paubox blog: HIPAA compliant email made easy

Is HIPAA compliant email necessary for medical couriers?

Written by Kirsten Peremore | June 23, 2024

Medical couriers are responsible for transporting medical items like lab samples, medical records, medicines, and even organs from one location to another. When sharing information that includes patient details over email, HIPAA compliant email is definitely necessary. Since they often need to communicate sensitive data about the deliveries, ensuring that these communications are secure and private is a must. 


How are medical couriers classified under HIPAA?

HHS guidance defines a business associate as, “...a person or entity that performs certain functions or activities that involve the use or disclosure of protected health information on behalf of, or provides services to, a covered entity.”

Under HIPAA medical couriers are classified as "business associates." This is due to their position as a link in the healthcare chain, especially when it comes to handling sensitive information. This means they are partners who help healthcare providers by doing specific jobs that involve accessing or using patient information, like transporting medical records, lab samples, or other data that needs to be kept private.

Because they handle this protected health information (PHI), medical couriers must follow the same strict rules set by HIPAA to keep patient data safe and secure. This includes using secure methods to transport materials and communicate in relation to these materials. This provides that information isn’t exposed or lost, and having agreements in place that detail their responsibilities and commitment to protecting patient privacy.


When do emails sent by medial couriers need to be HIPAA compliant?

Emails sent by medical couriers need to be HIPAA compliant whenever they involve protected health information (PHI). This means any time a medical courier uses email to send or discuss details that can identify a patient along with their health information, they must ensure the email meets HIPAA standards. 

Specific examples of the types of emails that could include PHI include: 

  1. Emails that are sent to confirm the delivery of medical records or test samples to healthcare facilities. These emails might include patient names, test types, or medical record numbers.
  2. Updates regarding the status of a shipment containing sensitive medical materials, such as blood samples, biopsies, or medical documents. The emails may specify the patient’s identification details to ensure the correct handling and delivery.
  3. If there’s an issue during the transport, like a delay or accident that might compromise the integrity of the PHI being transported, couriers would need to email the involved healthcare providers. This report could include details about the patients whose information or samples are affected.
  4. Emails requesting further details or clarifications about the PHI to be transported, such as verifying patient data or asking for additional handling instructions from healthcare providers.
  5. These communications may include detailed information about the services provided, including patient identifiers or descriptions of the medical items transported, necessary for billing purposes.


How to make compliance in email easier

Using a HIPAA compliant email service like Paubox can simplify the process of sending secure emails for any organization. What's great about Paubox is that it seamlessly integrates into your existing email setup, meaning you can use it with your usual email address and client no need for any new apps or complicated configurations. It encrypts all outgoing emails automatically, ensuring that sensitive information is always protected by strong, industry-standard encryption. This happens entirely in the background, so organizations don't have to take any extra steps like setting up encryption keys or creating secure portals for their recipients.

See also: Top 12 HIPAA compliant email services



How does the Security Rule tie into email security in healthcare?

The Security Rule requires that all electronic PHI (ePHI), including emails, must be protected through appropriate administrative, physical, and technical safeguards


Is consent necessary to send emails?

Yes, consent is necessary.


What are other methods of communication that medical couriers use that needs to be HIPAA compliant? 

Other methods of communication that need to be HIPAA compliant include texting, phone calls, and the use of secure messaging apps that handle PHI.