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Keyboard shortcuts: Paubox Texting

Keyboard shortcuts: Paubox Texting

Paubox Texting now supports keyboard shortcuts. 

How it works: Within the Paubox Dashboard, navigate to Conversations (Paubox Texting).

When the cursor is not in the To:, Search, or Compose fields, the following keyboard shortcuts are enabled by default:

  • Compose:
    • 'c'
    • Description: Inserts the cursor in the compose field
  • Search:
    • '/'
    • Description: Inserts the cursor in the Conversations search bar
  • Reply:
    • 'r' or '→'
    • Description: If a message is selected, insert the cursor in the reply field
  • Move down:
    • 'j' or '↓'
    • Description: Select the next message down. If no messages are selected, select the top message.
  • Move up:
    • 'k' or '↑'
    • Description: Select the next message up
  • End of messages:
    • '$'
    • Description: Select the bottom most message
  • Beginning of messages:
    • '0' (zero)
    • Description: Select the top message

See also: Developer docs (Paubox Texting)

What's next?: Next up, we're next building support for generative AI within Paubox Texting. This will effectively make Paubox Texting an AI agent.

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