Customers, prospects and staff from Nebraska, Colorado, Nevada, California, Washington and Minnesota joined us for lively conversation and hosted beverages at our December 2022 Zoom social mixer.
We had a merry time discussing the following topics:
- Geofencing: A Paubox Email Suite feature that blocks incoming mail based on country of origin or relay.
- ExecProtect: it is a customer favorite. ExecProtect is a Paubox feature that protects you from display name spoofing — making sure that emails that say they’re from your CEO are actually from your CEO.
- Using the Paubox Email API. Questions were raised about using our API. Here is some helpful information brought up last night. Our 5 minute guide to the Paubox Email API and in-depth documentation.
- How Paubox products are driven by customer feedback. For example, changes to mail logs were made by customer request.
- Keyword and IP blocking. Read more here about email blacklisting.
- CanSpam Act. How the CanSpam act relates to healthcare email marketing.
- Red flags employees need to know. Cybersecurity training is imperative. Especially in this era of smaller budgets. There is little-to-no room for costly mistakes and additional burdens on already overworked IT staff.
Links to helpful information
Paubox Zoom mixers
When the pandemic hit the U.S. in March 2020, our in-person social mixers immediately stopped. The concept of a Zoom social mixer was born from a simple premise: How do we recreate things we used to do in real life (IRL) on the internet?
Through reading and our own trial and error, it’s been our experience that a successful social mixer must include:
- Customers
- Prospects
Once both parties are in the same place, our primary job is make sure each person has food and drink in their hands. That’s it. No blatant sales talk.
In the spirit of HubSpot, we even published a playbook for Zoom social mixers.
We’re looking forward to connecting with our customers and soon-to-be customers in the New Year!
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