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Paubox Kahikina Scholarship 2024 Recipient: Cashel Akana

Written by Liyanda Tembani | September 27, 2024

The Paubox Kahikina Scholarship helps Native Hawaiian students pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) and Tech in general. Its purpose is to offer financial support and create a strong network for these students. The scholarship makes education more affordable and connects students with professionals, giving them valuable opportunities to learn and grow in their chosen STEM or Tech fields. This scholarship is about more than just money; it's about building a community and empowering Native Hawaiian students to succeed in STEM or Tech careers.

See also: The big ideas behind the Paubox Kahikina Scholarship


Cashel Akana just graduated from the University Laboratory School in Manoa and will study Mechanical Engineering at Oregon State University in Corvallis. Here's a word from Cashel:

"Since I am originally from the Pacific Northwest, I’m excited to be returning to pursue higher education in Oregon. Oregon State University, which is widely known for its engineering program and has one of the best marine science programs in the country, seemed like a perfect fit for me. It will definitely be a hard adjustment to live so far away from my parents, but I am extremely motivated to do well and make them proud. The Paubox Kahikina Scholarship is helping cover the cost of my education to lighten the burden on myself and my parents. It makes seeking higher education more realistic and affordable. With this scholarship, I can worry a little less about the cost of college and focus more of my time on my studies. Mahalo again, I’m so honored to be a recipient of this award!"

Read:  Paubox Kahikina Scholarship Recipient Reflection | Cashel Akana