Paubox blog: HIPAA compliant email made easy

Paubox Spring Summit recap: How the Paubox Email API can help fight the pandemic

Written by Hannah Trum | April 07, 2021

Paubox’s very own Nick Wong and Dan Dorszynski spoke at Paubox Spring Summit, Secure Communication During a Pandemic! 

In their session, they discussed how Paubox Email API can be leveraged to the fight against the current global pandemic.  Panel overview: Dorszynski and Wong reviewed how automating parts of the contact tracing process can save lives, time, and money, the importance of delivering a frictionless test result, how using a HIPAA compliant email API is a hassle-free way to keep PHI protected.


Key takeaways:

  • COVID contact tracing must occur within 3 days of a positive test result to be effective. 
  • Paubox Email API can be the foundation or cornerstone of any modern health application. For an example use case, read about Paubox customer ZiphyCare
  • An overview video showing how the Paubox Email API works can be found here


About Nick Wong

Wong is a software engineer and email API specialist at Paubox. He recently spoke at Paubox SECURE, Paubox’s digital health security conference, in October.  Wong shared about the endless possibilities that Paubox Email API grants developers to keep their email communication secure and safe from unauthorized users.


About Dan Dorszynski

Dorszynski has been working as a software developer for the web before Facebook, Twitter, and Google were even ideas. He has spent the last 20 years as an independent web developer before joining Paubox as a software engineer. Additional information about both panelists can be found here.


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