Paubox blog: HIPAA compliant email made easy

Promote skin cancer awareness with HIPAA compliant texts

Written by Caitlin Anthoney | July 25, 2024

Providers can use HIPAA compliant text messages for skin cancer awareness campaigns, reaching patients in real-time and educating them on prevention methods.


Skin cancer in the U.S.

Skin cancer is America’s most common cancer, with over 5 million cases diagnosed in the U.S. each year, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation. Despite its prevalence, skin cancer is also one of the most preventable cancers.

Providers can help “by sharing facts about the dangers of unprotected sun exposure and encouraging people to check their skin for warning signs.” 

More specifically, providers can use HIPAA compliant text messages to promote skin cancer awareness among patients.


Why HIPAA compliant text messaging works

HIPAA compliant text messaging platforms encrypt messages, safeguarding protected health information (PHI) during transit and at rest.

It allows patients to receive healthcare-related information straight to their mobile devices without compromising their data security. Patients can also respond without downloading any additional apps or using any portals.

HIPAA compliant text messages increase patient engagement. They encourage more frequent communication, allowing patients to actively engage in their healthcare journey.

So, providers must use HIPAA compliant texting to inform and remind patients about sun safety and regular skin checks.


Tips for designing HIPAA compliant texts 

Obtain patient consent

Providers must obtain informed patient consent before sending text messages. Consent forms should outline the purpose of the text messages, how PHI will be protected, and how patients can opt out of receiving text messages.


Limit the information shared

HIPAA compliant text messages should only include the minimum necessary information. These texts should focus on general awareness and actionable tips, like how to do regular skin checks.


Include educational content

HIPAA compliant texts can inform patients about the risks of unprotected sun exposure and the benefits of regular skin checks. These texts can also include facts about skin cancer and practical prevention tips, like using sunscreen, wearing protective clothing, and avoiding peak sun hours.

Additionally, providers can text secure links where patients can learn more about skin cancer, find local dermatologists, or access educational materials.


Send early detection reminders 

Providers can securely send reminders encouraging patients to do regular self-exams for skin changes. For example, texting patients about the ABCDE rule (Asymmetry, Border irregularity, Color variation, Diameter, and Evolving changes) to identify potential warning signs.


Send appointment reminders

HIPAA compliant texts can remind patients about upcoming dermatology appointments or skin cancer screenings. Patients can reply to confirm or reschedule appointments, making it convenient for patients and the providers to stay on schedule.

Related: Managing chronic skin conditions with HIPAA compliant emails and texts



What makes a text message HIPAA compliant?

Providers must use a HIPAA compliant text messaging platform, which uses encryption, access controls, and authentication measures to protect patient privacy.

Additionally, providers must obtain explicit patient consent, limit PHI, and train staff on sending HIPAA compliant text messages.


Can HIPAA compliant texts include images or attachments?

Yes, Paubox texting automatically encrypts images and attachments, protecting PHI during transmission and at rest.


Can providers use personal phones for HIPAA compliant texting?

Using a personal phone can be risky unless providers use a HIPAA compliant texting solution. Paubox ensures that all text communications are encrypted and HIPAA compliant, making it safe to send patient information.

Go deeper: Can healthcare providers use personal devices for patient communication?