Paubox blog: HIPAA compliant email made easy

Promoting mental health in schools with HIPAA compliant emails

Written by Caitlin Anthoney | May 27, 2024

Schools can use HIPAA compliant emails for collaboration and streamline interventions to promote student mental health well-being through a multitiered support system.


Mental health in schools

According to the CDC’s Action Guide for School and District Leaders, “Recent data shows adolescent mental health is getting worse and has brought national attention to the important role schools play in promoting mental health and well-being.” 

More specifically, their Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data Summary & Trends Report states that “In 2021, 42% of high school students reported having felt so sad or hopeless for at least two weeks in the past year that they couldn’t engage in their regular activities, and 22% of high school students reported that they had seriously considered suicide.”

So, schools should prioritize mental health support and resources for their students. They can implement evidence-based strategies to address these trends, creating a more supportive environment for young peoplewhile protecting their patient privacy.


Patient privacy in schools

Schools must adhere to FERPA and HIPAA regulations when dealing with mental health issues among students. FERPA protects the confidentiality of students' educational records, including mental health records maintained by schools while HIPAA governs the privacy and security of individually identifiable health information.

Go deeper: Does HIPAA apply to schools?


Using HIPAA compliant emails

HIPAA compliant emails provide a secure platform for schools to communicate with students, parents, and relevant healthcare professionals regarding mental health support and interventions. It adheres to both HIPAA and FERPA requirements, allowing schools to securely communicate about students' mental health.

HIPAA compliant email platforms, like Paubox, offer encryption and security measures to safeguard sensitive information, like student assessments and treatment plans. Ultimately, schools can use HIPAA compliant emails to discuss mental health support, interventions, and individual student needs securely.


Tailored support

HIPAA compliant emails can be tailored according to the Action Guides’ Multitiered Systems of Support (MTSS), which is a comprehensive framework designed to address students' diverse needs through academic, behavioral, mental health, and social-emotional domains.

Tier 1 - Universal prevention: Schools can use HIPAA compliant emails to send educational resources, promote mental health awareness, and coordinate schoolwide initiatives for a supportive environment for all students. For example, schools can partner with local mental health organizations to provide workshops and training for staff and students on recognizing signs of distress and accessing resources for support. Additionally, schools can implement peer mentoring programs to provide students with additional support from their peers.

Tier 2 - Targeted intervention: HIPAA compliant emails allow schools to share assessment data, progress reports, and intervention plans while ensuring the confidentiality of student information. More specifically, HIPAA compliant emails provide a secure platform for educators to collaborate with other professionals, like therapists involved in the student's care.

Tier 3 - Intensive support: Schools can use HIPAA compliant emails to have confidential discussions with parents, students, and specialized professionals involved in Tier 3 interventions, ensuring that sensitive information is protected throughout the intervention process. 

For example, if a student receives intensive behavioral support, the school can communicate with the student's therapist, counselor, and parents through secure emailto discuss progress, strategies, and next steps for the student's success. It ensures all stakeholders are on the same page and working together towards the student's academic and behavioral goals.


Overcoming barriers

HIPAA compliant emails can also help students overcome barriers to mental health, particularly in cases where access is limited due to various challenges like “provider shortages, lack of insurance, or transportation barriers.”

Schools can HIPAA compliant emails to link students and families with mental health providers offering telehealth services. Moreover, HIPAA compliant platforms like Paubox can help facilitate confidential communication between students, families, and healthcare professionals, ensuring that sensitive information is protected while coordinating these appointments. 

It addresses transportation challenges by eliminating physical travel and saving costs and time associated with accessing traditional in-person mental health services. Additionally, it could ensure equitable access to mental health support in schools in rural communities, where there might be a distance between providers and patients.



What types of information are protected under HIPAA?

HIPAA protects all individually identifiable health information held or transmitted by covered entities or their business associates, including mental health records.


How does HIPAA relate to schools?

Schools must comply with HIPAA regulations when handling student health information, like mental health records.


How do HIPAA compliant emails ensure confidentiality in students?

HIPAA compliant emails use encryption and other security measures, like two-factor authentication, to protect sensitive information, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access student health records.

Related: Strategies using HIPAA compliant email to boost youth engagement