1 min read
Scott Segerstrom: Christie Clinic uses cutting edge technology to streamline healthcare
Arianna Etemadieh May 04, 2018

Christie Clinic Customer Success
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yi_z6hR0Rdw 0:00 - 0:52 = What problems Christie Clinic solves 0:52 - 1:30 = Christie Clinic’s medical office project alongside a surgery center 1:30 - 2:47 = Life before Paubox 3:15 - 4:40 = What prompted Christie Clinic to look for a new email encryption solution 4:40 - 5:27 = Did Christie Clinic’s previous solution work on mobile devices? 5:30 - 6:33 = How much training was required for Christie Clinic’s previous solution? 6:33 - 7:32 = What feedbacks did email recipients have for Christie Clinic’s previous solution? 7:36 - 9:03 = Christie Clinic life with Paubox 9:03 - 10:33 = Why is the fax machine so prevalent in healthcare? 10:33 - 11:57 = Compared to other industries, is the amount of faxes being sent in healthcare normal? 11:57 - 12:40 = Do you think the fax machine will ever go away? 12:40 - 14:12 = Christie Clinic’s community service event, the annual Illinois Marathon 14:13 - 14:41 = Was Christie Clinic’s previous solution an on-premise appliance? 14:42 - 17:11 = What is Christie Clinic’s attitude towards cloud software vendors? 17:12 - 18:13 = Does Christie Clinic send calendar invites with PHI? (Paubox encrypts calendar invites!) 18:14 - 19:21 = One of Scott’s interesting use cases with Paubox (text files and .wav files is encrypted by Paubox) 19:22 - 20:58 = Paubox Lightning RoundAbout Christie Clinic
Christie Clinic is a physician-owned, multi-specialty group medical practice headquartered in Illinois. They have over 40 departments and 35 specialties to take care of virtually every patient's needs. With core values such as integrity, commitment, sustainability and quality, their mission is to "provide medicine for your life!"
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