- Eight of us walked over to GLIDE Church after work to help serve dinner to San Francisco's needy
- We helped serve 481 meals
- Community Service is a part of our 2019 V2MOM
On Thursday, eight of us walked a few blocks to GLIDE Church to serve dinner to San Francisco's needy. Our first community service event of 2019 was organized by Peter Kirsheman, our Director of Customer Success. We hadn't done a community service event since we passed out 1,000 spam musubi on Market Street for Christmas. It felt like we were overdue to do something for the community. I figured doing an event the day before our 2nd Annual Paubox SECURE conference would be great timing.
It was my first time volunteering at GLIDE, I had a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to our next one there. Enjoy the pics!
GLIDE Church is about a 10 minute walk from our office

Getting ready to serve: Gloves, aprons, and hairnets
Evan Fitzgerald pretending to know what he's doing around a garbage compactor
Hoff about to get dialed in
Getting a picture with John and the GLIDE logo
GLIDE Church
GLIDE is a social justice movement, social service provider and spiritual community dedicated to strengthening communities and transforming lives. Located in San Francisco’s culturally vibrant but poverty-stricken Tenderloin neighborhood, GLIDE addresses the needs of, and advocates for, the most vulnerable and marginalized individuals and families. Their Daily Free Meal program provides three nutritious meals a day, 364 days a year, to the city’s poor, homeless and hungry.
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