Any healthcare provider wants to ensure its marketing emails are being read by an engaged audience. This type of relationship starts at the beginning of the subscribing process when people first sign-up to receive emails.
SEE ALSO: HIPAA definition of marketing explained Healthcare providers need to choose between a single opt-in or a double opt-in. Keep in mind, it can change the impact of emails being opened and read.
What is the difference between single opt-in versus double opt-in?
When a person "opts in" to an email list, a healthcare provider can decide if it wants to make the person subscribe once or twice. SEE ALSO: What HIPAA requires for healthcare marketing patient authorizations A single opt-in means the person only subscribes once and will automatically start receiving emails. There's no confirmation email to reaffirm that the person wants to join the email list. A double opt-in asks a person to confirm twice before receiving emails. For example, a person could join your email list directly on your website, but a confirmation email is sent to verify that they want to start receiving emails. If a person doesn't respond to the confirmation email, they won't be added to the email list. Essentially the only difference between a single opt-in and double opt-in is whether or not a confirmation email is sent to the subscriber.
Pros of single opt-in
Single-opt-in removes a step from the sign-up process and makes it easier to subscribe to an email list. An easier sign-up process means more people will join your mailing list. But that's not always a good thing.
Cons of single opt-in
Single opt-ins don't necessarily mean good conversion rates. You may find yourself with lower open email rates or a decrease in engagement compared to a double opt-in option. This is possibly due to the subscriber not fully engaging with the purpose of your mailing list, which may be something you can avoid with a double opt-in.
Pros of double opt-in
When you send a person a confirmation email to reaffirm their commitment to joining your mailing list, you may end up with a higher-quality audience. By taking an extra step to join, subscribers prove that they are serious about your content. They have a strong desire to read your emails and engage with your healthcare organization.
Cons of double opt-in
The obvious con to a double opt-in is that it adds another step to the sign-up process. Many people don't confirm their consent to join an email list, leading to a lower number of subscribers.
Which should you choose?
There's no right or wrong answer since it depends on the needs of your healthcare practice. You may want to experiment with both options to determine which one leads to a more engaged audience.
What about opt-out?
The opt-out option lets readers unsubscribe from your mailing list and stop receiving emails. Don't forget to include an opt-out option in every single email you send to subscribers. The CAN-SPAM Act makes it illegal to send marketing emails without a clear opt-out option.
READ MORE: How the CAN-SPAM Act relates to healthcare email marketing
Choose Paubox for your healthcare email marketing needs
Healthcare email marketing is a necessary component of secure patient outreach and engaging with your patients. B ut you need to make sure you're using HIPAA compliant email marketing software. Paubox Marketing allows you to send healthcare marketing emails directly to your patients' inboxes without having to use patient portals. You can even personalize your email marketing campaigns with protected health information (PHI).
SEE ALSO: Why Paubox Marketing is the best HIPAA email marketing solution available
Paubox Marketing is HITRUST CSF certified and includes a business associate agreement (BAA) as part of your plan. You can rest easy knowing that your healthcare emails are secure and HIPAA compliant.
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