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Spam-triggering words in your email

Spam-triggering words in your email

Using certain words or phrases in healthcare emails can trigger spam filters, particularly if they're overly promotional, sensationalized, or lack context. 


Why do emails get marked as spam?

According to Statista, the USA and China send about 7.8 billion spam emails daily. These stats are alarming; however, spam filters are designed to protect inboxes from unwanted or harmful messages. These filters use algorithms to analyze email content, subject lines, and formatting. Emails containing overly promotional language, sensational claims, or deceptive tactics are often flagged as spam. For healthcare organizations, avoiding this is vital to maintain trust and ensure essential information reaches its audience.


Common spam-triggering words in healthcare emails

Here are categories of words and phrases that commonly activate spam filters:


Financial terms

  • Examples: "Free," "Guarantee," "100% free," "Lowest price," "Save money."
  • Issue: These terms are often associated with scams or overly promotional content.


Promotional phrases

  • Examples: "Click here," "Buy now," "Limited time offer," "Exclusive deal."
  • Issue: These phrases can make an email feel like a hard sell rather than a professional communication.


Health claims

  • Examples: "Cure," "Eliminate," "Guaranteed results," "Fast relief."
  • Issue: Overpromising outcomes can lead to both spam filtering and credibility issues.


Overly emotional or sensational phrases

  • Examples: "Don’t miss out," "Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity," "Unbelievable."
  • Issue: These can appear as clickbait tactics, which spam filters often flag.


Trigger words related to privacy

  • Examples: "Urgent attention needed," "Confidential," "Private information."
  • Issue: These terms may raise red flags for phishing attempts.


Legal and compliance terms

  • Examples: "HIPAA compliant" (without context), "Lawsuit," "Legal action."
  • Issue: Misuse of these terms can make your email appear deceptive.

See also: HIPAA Compliant Email: The Definitive Guide



  • Maintain a professional tone: Use clear, factual language and avoid exaggerated or overly promotional terms.
  • Be specific and transparent: Clearly communicate the purpose of your email and provide precise details about healthcare services.
  • Optimize formatting: Avoid ALL CAPS, excessive punctuation, and ensure proper grammar and spelling.
  • Personalize emails: Address recipients by name and customize content to their needs.
  • Design thoughtful subject lines: Use concise and clear descriptions instead of clickbait-style phrases.
  • Provide essential details: Include contact information, an unsubscribe option, and tools for managing email preferences.



How do spam filters work?

Spam filters use algorithms to evaluate email content, subject lines, sender reputation, and formatting. Emails flagged for containing spam-like elements are redirected to the spam folder.


What else can trigger spam filters?

Excessive or poorly formatted links and large or irrelevant images can increase the likelihood of being flagged as spam. 


Is it safe to use promotional terms if they are part of legitimate content?

Yes, but use them sparingly and in proper context. Ensure the overall tone and content maintain professionalism and trustworthiness.

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