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The basic elements of a HIPAA compliant breach notification

Written by Liyanda Tembani | September 06, 2023

HIPAA safeguards patients' privacy and sets forth regulations for handling protected health information (PHI). One aspect of HIPAA compliance is breach notification, which can mitigate the impact of a breach and safeguard patients' trust.

Related: HIPAA Compliant Email: The Definitive Guide


The elements of a HIPAA compliant breach notification

  1. Brief description of the breach: A HIPAA compliant breach notification should provide affected individuals with a concise but informative description of the breach incident. This description offers context for understanding the nature and potential implications of the breach. For example, if a hacker gained unauthorized access to a healthcare provider's database containing patient records, the notification should outline how the breach occurred and its scope.
  2. Description of the types of information involved: In the event of a breach, specify the types of PHI that were compromised. Whether it includes names, addresses, medical records, social security numbers, or other sensitive data, this information helps individuals gauge the extent of their vulnerability. Understanding precisely what information is at risk allows patients to take appropriate actions to safeguard their privacy.
  3. Steps for individual protection: Provide guidance to affected individuals on how to protect themselves from potential harm resulting from the breach. This may include advice on monitoring financial accounts, being vigilant for phishing attempts, or taking other precautionary measures. Providing patients with knowledge about potential risks and proactive steps to mitigate them can reduce the breach's impact.
  4. Description of investigation and mitigation: The notification should outline the actions taken by the covered entity to investigate the breach. Additionally, it should highlight the measures put in place to mitigate the harm caused by the breach and prevent similar incidents in the future. 
  5. Contact information for the covered entity: The notification must provide contact information for the covered entity or a business associate to address any questions or concerns individuals may have regarding the breach to foster transparency and accessibility. Being responsive to patient inquiries helps build trust and demonstrates the organization's commitment to resolving the issue.

Related: What is the HIPAA breach notification rule?


Timeline of the breach notification

HIPAA regulations require covered entities to provide breach notifications without unreasonable delay and within a maximum of 60 days following the discovery of the breach. Prompt action minimizes the impact of the breach on affected individuals and enables them to take necessary precautions promptly.

Failure to meet the 60-day deadline can have consequences for covered entities, like penalties being imposed, and their reputation may suffer, leading to a loss of trust among patients and partners. Additionally, delayed notification may hinder affected individuals from taking timely actions to protect themselves, potentially exacerbating the harm caused by the breach.

Related: Understand HIPAA violations and breaches