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The behavior change wheel and HIPAA compliant email

Written by Kirsten Peremore | April 01, 2024

Patients often have a strong preference for digital communication, making tools like email beneficial for implementing healthcare strategies. 


What is the behavior change wheel?

Based on a BMC Implementation Sciences article, “ At the center of a proposed new framework is a 'behavior system' involving three essential conditions: capability, opportunity, and motivation (what we term the 'COM-B system'). This forms the hub of a 'behavior change wheel' (BCW) around which are positioned the nine intervention functions aimed at addressing deficits in one or more of these conditions; around this are placed seven categories of policy that could enable those interventions to occur. The BCW was used reliably to characterize interventions within the English Department of Health's 2010 tobacco control strategy and the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence's guidance on reducing obesity.”

The Behavior Change Wheel is a framework designed to guide interventions to change human behavior. It originates from a synthesis of 19 frameworks of behavior change identified in a systematic literature review conducted by Susan Michie, Maartje M. van Stralen, and Robert West, as mentioned above. 

The COM-B System helps with the behavior change. The wheel further identifies intervention functions and policy categories that can influence these core elements. Its utility lies in providing a structured approach to diagnosing and addressing behavioral issues. 


The components of the COM-B system

  1. Capability: This refers to an individual's psychological and physical capacity to engage in the desired behavior. Psychological capability encompasses having the necessary knowledge and understanding to perform the behavior, while physical capability involves having the physical skills and ability to act. Enhancing capability may involve education, training, or other interventions that increase knowledge or develop the necessary skills.
  2. Opportunity: Opportunity encompasses all the external factors that make or prompt the behavior possible. This includes both the physical environment, such as the availability of resources or facilities, and the social environment, such as cultural norms or social cues that influence behavior. Modifying opportunity might involve changing the physical or social context to make the desired behavior easier to perform or more likely to be initiated.
  3. Motivation: Motivation refers to the brain processes that direct behavior, including habitual processes, emotional responses, decision-making processes, and analytical thinking. It can be divided into reflective motivation, which involves plans, evaluations, and beliefs about consequences, and automatic motivation, which includes desires, impulses, and innate responses. Influencing motivation can involve interventions designed to change thought patterns, reinforce positive behaviors, or alter emotional responses associated with a behavior.

The benefit HIPAA compliant email when applying BWC in treatment plans

Healthcare providers can safely share personalized treatment plans, educational materials, and interventions with HIPAA compliant email. Personalization directly addresses the Capability component of the BWC by tailoring patient content to what they need in an effective but understandable way. This creates an opportunity for continuous, real-time engagement and feedback, allowing patients to ask questions, express concerns, and report progress outside of traditional appointment times. 

An ongoing dialogue creates a supportive environment, that improves the patient's Motivation to participate actively in their treatment plan. HIPAA compliant email documentation also serves as a resource to track the patient's progress and adjust interventions to align with the patient's changing mental health needs. 

See also: Top 10 HIPAA compliant email services


Areas that benefit from behavior change 

  • Patient care practices improve as healthcare professionals adopt better health and safety behaviors.
  • Hospital administration benefits from behavior change by improving efficiency and reducing errors.
  • Public health initiatives see better outcomes when communities adopt healthier behaviors influenced by targeted interventions.
  • Clinical outcomes improve when patients adhere to treatment plans and lifestyle recommendations.
  • Staff training and development programs are more effective when incorporating behavior change principles to promote learning and application of best practices.
  • Infection control measures become more effective as healthcare workers consistently follow hygiene and safety protocols.
  • Patient satisfaction increases when healthcare providers demonstrate behaviors that are empathetic and responsive to patient needs.
  • Health promotion activities are more successful in encouraging healthy lifestyles and preventive care among populations.
  • Resource management in healthcare facilities improves through behaviors that optimize the use of equipment and supplies.
  • Employee wellness programs benefit as healthcare workers adopt healthier behaviors, leading to reduced absenteeism and improved morale.

See also: How to make the most of HIPAA compliant email as a therapist



What types of behavior can BWC be applied to?

It can be used for health-related behaviors, environmental practices, and organizational habits like smoking, inactive lifestyles etc. 


Is HIPAA compliant email the only way to communicate a BWC framework?

No, other methods include face-to-face interactions, telehealth platforms, and secure messaging services.


What is the downside of BWC?

A downside of the BWC is that its comprehensive nature can make it complex and time-consuming to apply.