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The benefits of using email for interorganizational communication

The benefits of using email for interorganizational communication

Using email for interorganizational communication allows healthcare providers to quickly share important patient information, updates on treatment protocols, and administrative details. Email is particularly effective because it's fast, making sure that tracking patient care across different organizations is made easy for providers. 


What is interorganizational communication in healthcare?

Interorganizational communication in healthcare refers to the way healthcare providers, like hospitals, clinics, and labs, share information with each other. According to a collaborative study published in the International Journal of Medical Informatics,The ideal scenario for ICT to do this and to reduce medication errors lies in building interoperable communication networks among different care providers, whereby they can work on the same set of patient data.The effective implementation of this ideal form of communication allows for the seamless sharing of protected health information through secure and efficient channels.


Email can easily be integrated into EHR systems

Email integration into electronic health records (EHRs) streamlines communication in healthcare. Through integration, healthcare professionals can directly send and receive patient-related information from their EHR systems via email. As a result, they can effortlessly update patient records, share medical information, and coordinate care with other healthcare entities. 

Effortless connectivity eliminates the need for manual data entry creating faster, more accurate, and more efficient sharing of patient data across different healthcare providers. The ability to quickly access and disseminate patient information via integrated email enhances collaborative efforts.


Email provides detailed documentation of internal communication

Email enables detailed documentation of inter-organizational communication in healthcare by creating a traceable, time-stamped record of all exchanges. Each email sent or received forms part of an electronic trail, capturing necessary information like the content of the communication, sender and recipient details, and the exact time and date of the interaction. 

See also: Top 10 HIPAA compliant email services


Emergency communication of detailed information is made easy

When an emergency arises, healthcare professionals can quickly compose and send out detailed emails that provide specific instructions, guidelines, or updates related to the situation. These emails can reach a wide audience of relevant stakeholders, including different healthcare departments, emergency response teams, and other organizations, ensuring that everyone receives the same detailed information simultaneously. 

The ability to attach documents, images, or links to further resources in emails enhances the depth and clarity of the communication. This immediacy and richness of information is beneficial during emergencies, where clear, detailed, and rapid communication can impact response effectiveness and patient outcomes. The fact that these communications are recorded and can be referred back to provides a clear audit trail, which allows for post-emergency analysis and continuous improvement of emergency protocols.


There is no need for lengthy additional training of staff to use email

Most professionals are already familiar with basic email functionalities, such as composing, sending, and organizing messages, due to its widespread use in both personal and professional contexts. Familiarity means that healthcare workers can seamlessly integrate email into their daily routines, using it to communicate with colleagues, share patient information, and coordinate care without the need for specialized training. The intuitive design of most email platforms, with clear labels and straightforward navigation, further simplifies its use. As a result, healthcare organizations can adopt email as a primary communication tool without allocating resources and time for extensive staff training.


Mass communication is one step away

Healthcare organizations can leverage email to send out announcements, health alerts, or policy updates to all staff members or specific groups within moments. The ability to create mailing lists or use distribution groups means that a single email can be drafted and dispatched to hundreds or even thousands of recipients simultaneously. The method is not only time-efficient but also ensures that everyone receives the same information at the same time.


HIPAA compliance can easily be achieved 

Using HIPAA compliant email software effortlessly makes email communication align with HIPAA regulations. This software is specifically designed to protect sensitive health information. It automatically encrypts all emails, converting sensitive data into a secure code, which only authorized recipients can access and decrypt. This process ensures the confidentiality and integrity of patient information, both in transit and at rest. The software also rigorously controls who can send and receive emails containing PHI.

The software typically includes breach detection mechanisms that promptly notify healthcare providers of any security incidents, facilitating quick response and resolution. Thus, by integrating these specialized security features, software like Paubox makes it straightforward for healthcare organizations to utilize email for communication while staying HIPAA compliant.

See also: Impact of data breaches on email



What are the benefits of email communication?

Email communication offers speed, convenience, cost-effectiveness, a written record for accountability, and the ability to easily share and store large amounts of information.


What are at least two major impacts that email has had on interpersonal communication?

Email has enabled instant and asynchronous communication across distances and has altered traditional communication hierarchies by facilitating more direct and immediate contact between individuals at different levels.


What makes communication effective?

Effective communication is characterized by clarity, conciseness, relevance, empathy, and the ability to listen and respond appropriately to the needs and perspectives of the audience.



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