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The use of automated text messaging in mood monitoring

The use of automated text messaging in mood monitoring

Automated text messaging enables regular collection of patients' emotional states without adding to the workload of mental health practices.


Mood monitoring in mental health treatment

According to a study published in Current Psychiatry Reviews,Daily mood charting complements clinician monitoring and provides many benefits for both the patient and clinician. The identification of an individual’s pattern of illness may directly impact the specific treatment selection.”

Mood monitoring is a part of mental healthcare that relies on patients providing feedback on their moods and potential triggers to improve treatment. Its application primarily centers around mood disorders like bipolar, depression, and anxiety where fluctuations can predict the course of the illness. 

The practice often occurs beyond face-to-face therapy sessions allowing patients to prioritize mental health. The use of remote monitoring of the results instead of having patients use traditional means like journals also allows for the rapid response to concerning changes in a patient's mental health state. 

How to use automated text messaging

  • Choose the right platform. HIPAA compliant text messaging solutions that offer automation provide both security and ease of use. 
  • Design email parameters outlining the frequency, timing, and content of each text. The content should provide instructions on how to respond, the scales for the patient's mood, and when intervention is necessary. 
  • The pilot tests the automated texting before sending it to patients and consistently reviews its efficacy thereafter
  • Integrate text messaging and responses into electronic health records (EHRs) to allow for the review of patient specimens. 
  • Consistently check patient responses, ensuring that when patients provide specific ratings or responses there is a protocol for immediate follow-up.

See also: Top HIPAA compliant email services



What is automation?

The use of technology systems or software to perform tasks. 


Which mental health practitioners need to observe patient mood changes? 

Any treating mental health provider who needs to do so to manage and treat mental health conditions.


What is a pilot test?

A preliminary trial of a new system. 

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