Paubox blog: HIPAA compliant email made easy

The value of read receipts in HIPAA compliant text messaging

Written by Kirsten Peremore | July 25, 2024

Combining HIPAA compliant text messaging with modern features like read receipts is incredibly useful for healthcare organizations. Ensuring that sensitive patient information is communicated securely while confirming the timely receipt and reading of messages enhances security and efficiency. Integrating these features helps healthcare providers maintain compliance with privacy regulations while leveraging the convenience of modern communication tools. 


What are read receipts?

Read receipts are a feature integrated into various messaging platforms that automatically inform the sender when the recipient has opened their message. According to a thesis published by the Rochester Institute of Technology,Read receipts are a tool used by mobile instant messaging applications to indicate the delivery of messages.

These notifications are subtle, usually displayed as a small checkmark or the word "read" alongside the time the message was seen. Providing real time confirmation of message delivery and viewing is the primary function of read receipts. Eliminating the uncertainty of whether a message has gone unnoticed or unopened ensures that the communication loop between sender and receiver is closed effectively.


How they work

  1. When a user sends a message, it first travels from their device to the server of the messaging service being used. 
  2. The message, upon reaching the server, is then forwarded to the recipient's device. The server manages the delivery, ensuring the message reaches the recipient, even retrying if the recipient's device is temporarily offline or unavailable.
  3. When the recipient opens their messaging app and views the message, their device recognizes this action and triggers the next step in the process.
  4. The recipient’s device automatically sends a signal back to the server indicating that the message has been viewed
  5. The server relays this read confirmation back to the original sender's device. The sender then sees a visual indication that the message has been read. Depending on the messaging platform, this might appear as a checkmark turning blue, double checkmarks, or the word "read" along with the time the message was viewed.
  6. Some messaging services offer users the option to disable read receipts. When this feature is disabled, senders will not receive any notification when their messages are read, allowing recipients more privacy over their messaging activity.

Why is it a benefit to HIPAA compliant text messaging

Read receipts benefit healthcare organizations by providing real time confirmation that messages have been read. Features like this reduce the uncertainty and communication gaps that can occur in fast paced medical environments, enabling healthcare professionals to act quickly on necessary updates. Knowing that messages have been read allows for more efficient coordination and decision making.

The read receipt functions found in Paubox are particularly beneficial to healthcare organizations as they enhance the reliability of communication. Paubox Texting now supports read receipts for HIPAA compliant text messages on both iPhone and Android devices, which means healthcare providers can be assured that their messages are sent as well as seen by the intended recipients. It is especially beneficial where immediate action is needed, such as changing treatment plans or coordinating emergency responses.

See also: HIPAA Compliant Email: The Definitive Guide



Is consent necessary to text patients?



What information should be communicated by healthcare providers through text?

Marketing information and limited messaging functions containing limited protected health information. 


What makes a text HIPAA compliant?

The necessary security measures are in place such as encryption at both rest and storage.