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Using HIPAA compliant emails in eclectic therapy

Using HIPAA compliant emails in eclectic therapy

Providers can use HIPAA compliant emails to support the different techniques of eclectic therapy, offering a personalized approach to mental healthcare while protecting patient privacy.


What is eclectic therapy?

According to Verywell Mind,Eclectic therapy is an approach that draws on multiple theoretical orientations and techniques. It is a flexible and multifaceted approach to therapy that allows the therapist to use the most effective methods available to address each individual client's needs. It is also sometimes referred to as multi-modal or integrative therapy.”

An eclectic therapist can use a combination ofbehavioral therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), person-centered therapy or psychodynamic therapy.”


Uses of eclectic therapy

“Eclectic therapy can be utilized to help people with a wide range of needs. Some conditions and problems it can successfully treat include:

  • Anxiety
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Coping and adjustment difficulties
  • Depression
  • Eating disorders
  • Personality disorders
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Relationship problems
  • Selective mutism
  • Social issues
  • Stress”

An eclectic therapist can tailor their techniques to address these client needs through a personalized treatment plan, supporting individuals with diverse mental health challenges. 

However, as therapists increasingly use digital platforms to connect with clients, they must secure patient privacy. HIPAA compliant emails are a secure way therapists can exchange sensitive information while adhering to legal and ethical standards.


Using HIPAA compliant emails 

1. Choose a HIPAA compliant platform: Providers must use a HIPAA compliant emailing platform, like Paubox, which offers encryption, access controls, and audit capabilities to safeguard patients’ protected health information (PHI) and mitigate potential breaches.

2. Obtain authorization: Eclectic therapists must obtain explicit patient consent before emailing patient PHI. Additionally, patients must be informed about security measures and how email will be integrated into their therapeutic process.

3. Continuous evaluation: Providers must regularly review and update security practices to ensure the emails are effective and adhere to HIPAA requirements.


Creating personalized eclectic therapy emails

Therapists can tailor HIPAA compliant emails for an individualized approach to eclectic therapy. These emails can provide valuable support between sessions, offering tools to manage triggers, process emotions, and improve overall well-being.

For example, if a patient has PTSD, their therapist can use HIPAA compliant emails to send them coping strategies like mindfulness exercises, relaxation techniques, and personalized cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) worksheets. 

Providers can also email personalized holistic health plans that include tips on diet, exercise, sleep hygiene, and other lifestyle factors, supporting overall well-being.

Additionally, HIPAA compliant emails allow regular check-ins so providers can assess patients’ emotional, physical, and social dimensions, ensuring a comprehensive approach to treatment.



Can providers use regular emails for patient communication?

No, regular email services are not secure. Instead, providers must use a HIPAA compliant emailing platform, like Paubox, which offers advanced security measures like encryption, to safeguard patients’ protected health information (PHI). 


What makes an email service HIPAA compliant?

An email service is HIPAA compliant if it provides encryption, secure storage, access controls, and signs a business associate agreement (BAA).


Can providers send attachments through HIPAA compliant emails?

Yes, providers can send attachments, like PDFs and documents, using a HIPAA compliant emailing platform, like Paubox, which automatically encrypts attachments.

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