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What is the role of managed service providers in HIPAA compliance?

Written by Liyanda Tembani | September 07, 2023

Managed Service Providers (MSPs) are IT service specialists who assist businesses, including healthcare, in maintaining IT infrastructure. In healthcare, their roles include implementing email encryption for safeguarding patient data in emails and ensuring HIPAA compliance through security measures and HIPAA compliant cloud solutions. MSPs allow healthcare organizations to concentrate on patient care while meeting stringent regulatory requirements.


What are managed service providers?

Managed service providers offer IT services to other businesses on a subscription or contract basis. Their primary focus is to manage and maintain IT infrastructure, systems, and services, allowing organizations to concentrate on their core operations while ensuring their technology remains efficient and compliant.

MSPs are not limited to any specific industry and cater to a wide range of businesses. Still, their role in healthcare, where data security and compliance are paramount, is critical.


Email encryption and HIPAA compliance

One of the areas where MSPs assist healthcare organizations with HIPAA compliance is email encryption. Email is a primary communication tool in the healthcare industry, and sensitive patient information shared through email must be adequately protected. MSPs implement and manage email encryption solutions, ensuring that protected health information (PHI) remains confidential during transmission.

Email encryption involves using encryption protocols and keys to secure the content of emails. MSPs set up these encryption mechanisms and monitor them for potential vulnerabilities or issues. 

Related: Encryption at rest: what you need to know


MSPs and data security in HIPAA compliance

HIPAA regulations mandate strict security measures to protect PHI. MSPs assist healthcare organizations in implementing and maintaining these measures. This includes:

  • Access controls
  • Encryption of data at rest and in transit
  • And intrusion detection systems. 

Moreover, MSPs can conduct risk assessments to identify vulnerabilities and areas of noncompliance. By continuously monitoring and maintaining security measures, they help organizations stay ahead of potential threats and remain in adherence to HIPAA regulations.


MSPs and cloud solutions for HIPAA compliance

Many healthcare organizations use cloud solutions to store and manage patient data. However, this introduces additional security concerns and compliance requirements. MSPs specialize in offering secure hosting and cloud solutions that meet HIPAA compliance standards.

These cloud solutions are designed to provide a safe environment for storing and processing PHI. MSPs ensure that data stored or processed in the cloud remains secure and compliant, alleviating concerns about data breaches or noncompliance related to cloud services.

MSPs can be valuable partners for healthcare organizations striving to meet HIPAA requirements. Their expertise in email encryption, data security, and HIPAA compliant cloud solutions ensures that patient data remains confidential, accessible only to authorized personnel, and protected against evolving cyber threats.

RelatedHow to verify an email is encrypted