Paubox blog: HIPAA compliant email made easy

What makes an email marketing consent form HIPAA compliant?

Written by Liyanda Tembani | March 04, 2024

HIPAA requires email marketing consent to protect patient privacy and govern the use of protected health information (PHI) in marketing communications. A HIPAA compliant form must ensure transparency using clear language, describe the purpose and types of information involved, grant patients the right to refuse or withdraw consent, provide an easy opt-out mechanism, include a clear purpose statement, consider a double opt-in process, and adhere to security measures for data protection, aligning with HIPAA regulations.


The role of email marketing in healthcare

HIPAA compliant email marketing offers a direct and efficient way to connect with patients. A recent study on the impact of marketing strategies in healthcare systems found that email marketing effectively facilitates appointment reminders, disseminates information about new services, and provides updates on general health matters. 


When is an email marketing consent form required?

According to HIPAA, obtaining explicit patient consent or offering a clear opt-out mechanism is always necessary when using PHI for marketing communications. HIPAA defines marketing as any communication that encourages the use of a product or service, and obtaining consent ensures patients have control over how their health information is used in such communications.


Elements of a HIPAA compliant email marketing consent form

  1. Clear and concise language: Use language that avoids legal jargon and ensures straightforward comprehension.
  2. Purpose description: Clearly articulate the purpose of email communications, specifying the types of information involved. This clarity helps healthcare professionals communicate effectively while safeguarding patient understanding. If PHI is part of the content, provide a brief, understandable description to maintain transparency.
  3. Voluntary consent: Emphasize the voluntary nature of consent. Explicitly state that patients are under no obligation to provide consent, thereby fostering a sense of autonomy.
  4. Opt-out mechanism: Implement a straightforward opt-out mechanism that is easily accessible. 
  5. Date and signature: Include dedicated spaces for the patient's date and signature, whether physical or electronic. This step ensures proper documentation and accountability. 

Related: A HIPAA consent form template that's easy to share



Can healthcare providers use email marketing to communicate sensitive health information without patient consent?

Explicit patient consent is required for marketing emails containing any form of PHI. Exceptions exist for non-marketing communications like appointment reminders.

Read more: Do you need patient opt-in for appointment reminders?


Is it necessary to obtain a new consent form for each marketing campaign?

Not necessarily. If the initial consent form is broad and covers various types of communications, a separate form may not be needed for each campaign. However, there must be clarity in the consent form about the scope of communications.


Are healthcare providers required to inform patients about changes in their email marketing practices?

Providers should notify patients about any significant changes in email marketing practices, such as the types of information shared or the frequency of communication, to maintain trust and compliance.