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Microsoft and Google's cybersecurity lifeline for underserved communities

Microsoft and Google's cybersecurity lifeline for underserved communities

What happened

Recognizing the urgent need to bolster cybersecurity resilience across the healthcare industry, the Biden-Harris administration has spearheaded the Health Sector Cyber Initiative. Under this landmark program, tech giants Microsoft and Google have stepped up to the plate, committing to provide rural and critical access hospitals with a lifeline of free and heavily discounted cybersecurity services.


Microsoft's cybersecurity support

As part of the initiative, Microsoft has pledged to offer a detailed suite of cybersecurity solutions and support to eligible rural hospitals. These include:


Nonprofit pricing and discounts

Microsoft will provide nonprofit pricing, grants, and up to 75% discounts on security products that are tailored for smaller organizations. This will help cash-strapped rural hospitals access enterprise-grade cybersecurity tools without breaking the bank.


Advanced security suite

Larger rural hospitals that are already paying for eligible Microsoft solutions will be upgraded to the company's most advanced security suite at no additional cost for a full year. This will equip them with cutting-edge protection against cyber threats.


Free cybersecurity assessments

Microsoft will facilitate free cybersecurity assessments by qualified technology security providers to help rural hospitals identify risks and security gaps within their systems. This necessary diagnostic step will inform targeted remediation efforts.


Free training and updates

To bolster the defensive capabilities of rural hospital staff, Microsoft will offer free training for frontline and IT personnel. Additionally, the company will provide free security updates for Windows 10 for one year, ensuring these facilities have access to the latest patches and protections.


Google's commitment to rural cybersecurity

Alongside Microsoft's support, Google has also pledged to lend a hand in safeguarding rural healthcare facilities against cyber threats.


Endpoint security advice

Google will offer free endpoint security advice to rural hospitals and non-profit organizations, providing guidance on how to fortify their devices and networks against malicious actors.


Software migration funding

The tech giant has committed to establishing a pool of funding to support rural hospitals in securely migrating their software and systems, a necessary step in enhancing their cybersecurity posture.


Tailored security capabilities

Google will launch a pilot program with rural hospitals to develop a specialized package of security capabilities that cater to the unique needs and challenges faced by these facilities.


In the know

The healthcare industry is a prime target for cyber threat actors, with ransomware attacks on the sector increasing by 130% in 2023 alone. This trend has hit rural and critical access hospitals particularly hard, leaving many needed community providers in a precarious position. Lacking the resources to invest in cybersecurity measures, these facilities face the genuine risk of being crippled by devastating cyberattacks that can jeopardize patient care and even cost lives.


Why it matters

The commitments from Microsoft and Google indicate the private sector's role in supporting the resilience of the rural healthcare system. By providing free and discounted cybersecurity services, these tech giants are stepping up to safeguard the communities that rely on these facilities for their well-being.

As the Biden administration's Health Sector Cyber Initiative continues to drive progress, the collaborative efforts of the public and private sectors will be pivotal in ensuring that every American, regardless of their geographic location, can access the care they need without the threat of devastating cyberattacks.

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