2 min read

ZiphyCare connects patients to top health care providers for diagnosis and treatment at home. When a patient requests an appointment via the Ziphy app, a local, specially trained onsite care coordinator (OCC) arrives with a set of hospital-grade medical tools and instruments and conferences in a doctor virtually for a remote exam.
ZiphyCare is currently in its pilot phase, available locally in New York City.
We sat down with co-founders Dr. Rada Sumareva and Daniel Kogan to discuss how they have been leveraging the Paubox Email API to adapt their services along with the rapidly changing landscape of coronavirus in the United States.
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Healthcare technology |
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Enable HIPAA compliant patient communication via proprietary app Used solution |
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Additional features added to ZiphyCare Symptom Checker app for COVID-19 diagnosis and triage
In this time of global crisis, ZiphyCare has moved quickly to adapt its products for use during the coronavirus pandemic.
Since the onsite care coordinator (OCC) is in the room with the patient, he or she can administer tests to the patient and the doctor who is conferencing in remotely can get the results in real-time.
During the time of coronavirus, the ZiphyCare team is adding additional questions to its symptom checker to screen patients for COVID-19 symptoms before sending an OCC to someone’s home.
If ZiphyCare’s proprietary clinical decision making algorithms determine that a patient might have COVID-19, an OCC is not dispatched, and instead the patient is instructed to contact the authorities for guidance.
These updates to the app will protect OCC’s from exposure to the virus and help triage patients before they go to the emergency room, which reduces pressure on our medical system.
ZiphyCare uses the Paubox to enable its life saving technology
After an exam is done, the doctor sends a discharge note to the patient via the Paubox Email API. The patient receives the discharge note in an email which is encrypted by Paubox.
Daniel explained that he likes how Paubox’s products are implemented from a technology standpoint.
“I like the price-value ratio,” Daniel said. “We tried it and it was simple enough. Another aspect of your solution that I like is the [Paubox Email Suite] integration with the G Suite because we’re now able to send the HIPAA compliant emails from our personal emails when customers are reaching out to us for whatever reason. It’s overall a very good solution for us.”
“Simplicity is the key,” Rada added.
Reducing panic through technology with ZiphyCare
ZiphyCare is doing its part to clear up misinformation about coronavirus and reduce panic. As part of this effort, the team is keeping up to date COVID-19 information on its website available to the public.
Rada and Daniel are helping to reduce the panic that people are feeling “because when our onsite care coordinators come they can help with teaching people proper infection control, and it’s guided by the physician who is online.”
“You would think that there’s a lot of information,” Rada said, “but a lot of the information is confusing and contradictory and it creates a lot of panic. Part of our mission is actually to help with this panic and help explain the things we can control.”
In the past month, ZiphyCare has sent 46 emails using the Paubox Email API, with an open rate of 48%.
In the past twelve months, 6,792 of Ziphycare's emails have been encrypted using Paubox Email Suite.
No doubt ZiphyCare's reach will grow as the company expands into other cities and regions, and Paubox will be there to help along the way.
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